Giving Days are helping not-for-profits to double their impact

Giving Days are helping not-for-profits to double their impact

The Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife (FNPW) understands the scale and pace at which we need to act to support Australia’s unique environment, which, in the last two years, has been devastated by natural disasters. First, the catastrophic Black Summer bushfires ravaged the country, and we were able to mobilise and provide support to acute response programs including wildlife rescue and rehabilitation. With the support of government agencies, the corporate sector and other generous donors, our organisation widened its focus by identifying priority regions for bushfire recovery projects and worked to establish long-term wildlife recovery programs.

Of course, more recently, many of the bushfire-affected areas have been further impacted by damaging floods, adding to the enormous strain on local communities and those working towards the regeneration of what was lost.

The impact of these events on ecosystems, including many vulnerable wildlife species and habitats, has been significant. In short, environmental disasters continue to prevent our land and native animals from recovering. This is compounded by ongoing global and economic upheaval. It’s organisations such as the FNPW that are at the forefront of being able to combat the devastation with action.

As the not-for-profit partner of national parks and wildlife services across Australia, our mission is to safeguard our ecosystems, wilderness and flora and fauna for future generations. More than ever, this is a time to concentrate our efforts and energy into meaningful projects that have a measurable and long-term impact on the environment. Therefore, on June 16, FNPW will launch its second annual 24-hour Matched Giving Day, when all donations will be doubled by a matched pool from generous supporters. We are hoping to exceed our 2021 efforts with an ambitious target of $250,000.

Matched Giving Days are incredibly powerful for charities to help draw attention to their purpose and double the funds raised. This lets us double our impact by channeling funds raised towards our core goals. For FNPW, this includes immediate and long-term disaster recovery, aiding our Wildlife Heroes in the rescue and rehabilitation of wildlife, and extending our national parks to provide additional areas for threatened flora and fauna to recover from these disasters.

At a corporate level, FNPW urges companies to get onboard by challenging teams and individuals to raise funds on June 16 and help play their part in supporting sustainability initiatives. From community nurseries and seedbanks to habitat restoration grants that will support long-term restoration of areas that have been decimated by fires and now floods, the impact of these donations is targeted and tangible.

Every donation plays an important part in protecting our unique environment for future generations. If you would like to find out more about doubling your impact on June 16, visit?


