Giving Back for the Holidays
The Craven Family

Giving Back for the Holidays

One of our favorite things to do during the holiday season is make an effort to give back to the places that mean so much to us. Every project we work on is centered in a unique, vibrant community, and finding ways to uplift people within those communities while providing housing in the area is crucial to us. This is the case year-round, but during this holiday season we want to take a moment to outline some ways you can personally help your communities! There are countless organizations across the southeast that do great work, and we are honored to have roots in this region – it’s time to spread some cheer and give back!

We are asking specifically for you to consider donating to a cause very close to us: helping our maintenance supervisor at Evolve Waterford, Edward Craven, and his family to rebuild their home after a fire. On December 3, Mr. Craven, his wife, and their two granddaughters lost their home and everything inside to a fire. There is a GoFundMe available to make monetary donations to help them rebuild (link here:, and donations like clothing and home accessories are also needed. If you have the means to donate to the GoFundMe or live near Evolve Waterford and can make donations in person, please do. We are all with the Craven family through this difficult time, and we thank you in advance for any help you can give!

Since we have properties throughout the southeast, we have taken a moment to research nonprofits and charities in the geographic regions we’ve built communities in. If you live in any of these areas and are hoping to donate to a group that will impact your community but aren’t sure where to start to find one, we’d like to help you get a start on searching for some wonderful groups! These are just a starting point for suggestions, and are by no means a comprehensive list of the deserving organizations in the areas we’ve developed properties in; please take some time to look for more if you have the time. Building up communities starts at home!

Available across the Southeast: American Red Cross (, United Way (, Toys for Tots (, Habitat for Humanity (, Ronald McDonald House Charities (, Salvation Army (, Doctors Without Borders (, Meals on Wheels America (

North Carolina: MANNA Food Bank (, BeLoved Asheville (, The Community Table (, Center for Domestic Peace (, Cherokee Preservation Foundation (, Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC (, Foundation for the Carolinas (, Nourish NC (, Canines for Service (, BackPack Beginnings (, CFNC East (, Guilford Native American Association (, United Tribes of North Carolina (

South Carolina: Fort Mill Care Center (, Palmetto Housing and Assistance Coalition (, Safe Harbor SC (, Butterfly Foundation (, Project R.E.S.T. (, Lowcountry Orphan Relief (, South Carolina Indian Affairs Commission (, Bullets and Bandaids (

Tennessee: PORCH Chattanooga (, CHATT Foundation (, East Tennessee Foundation (, Family Promise of Knoxville (

Florida: Feeding South Florida (, HandsOn Miami (, Emmanuel’s Closet (, Beyond the Walls Food Pantry (, Combat Veterans to Careers (, Grace Community Food Pantry (, Kids Central, Inc. (, Trail of Florida’s Indian Heritage (


