Giving Back
Like millions of Americans that live life in chronic pain, I am one of them. I have gone through many emotional feelings. One of the feelings has been anger. Anger is an emotion that can be good within limits. If one lets the anger continue, it can begin to rule their life, which is not good, and must change.
Why am I bringing this up at this time? I have felt very angry at what is happening in my country, The United States of America. Yes, Bad Things Happen To Good People, to use the title of Rabbi Harold Kushner’s book. I can accept that to a degree, but there have been so many tragedies happening with our youth being slaughtered while in school along with their teachers. In addition to schools, synagogues, churches, and people going about everyday activities such as going to the grocery store, some very ugly events have been happening.
I am well versed in how anger can do some pretty wild things. But what has been going on must be stopped! A number of years ago, I would continue to question; why do I have to live in chronic pain? Or why did this happen or that happen, and you know so many times we will never know in this life why certain events occur.?
I try to share with others, especially people who live in pain and have become very angry with their lives. I will say to them to be angry, but at some point, it will be very healthy to let go of it. ??Whether they visualize the anger in a closed fist, slowly, they begin to open their hand and symbolically let go of the anger. A person can have a self-talk and work through what is helping to create this anger. If necessary, there should never be shame or doubt in going for counseling.?
I titled this article Giving Back because one way of dealing with how we can help ourselves is to help others. It is up to you to decide what that would be? But others can and will benefit from what you have to offer.?
The writing of this article, along with the many others that I have written, is one way of giving back. If what I have drafted can help one person, I am pleased with what I have done.?
I never try and tell another person what to do. But I will share my life experiences which may be helpful to another person. So, if you are going through a period in your life or are not sure of various feelings in your life, consider Giving Back to someone else.