Giving back
This past Saturday our family helped at a local beach cleanup and on Sunday my daughter's Camp Fire group volunteered as greeters at a church. In the past week we had 3 softball games, 1 baseball game, along with 2 sets of team pictures and practices. With the help of all the parents and family members that coach or volunteer their time with the teams we were able to accomplish all this.
I usually donate blood 3 or 4 times a year to help with the Red Cross blood drives. I had been getting emails from the Red Cross the past year to try donating platelets and so I decided to give it a try last month. Other than hearing it would "take a little longer than a whole blood donation" I didn't really know what to expect. Silly me, I brought a book thinking I could read during the donation, only to find out that both of my arms would be hooked to an apheresis machine and I needed to stay as still as possible. So after 2 hours, I did feel a bit more tired than a usual 10-15 minute donation, but after a week it was great to get a call of where my donation went and how many people it helped.
Whether at home, work, or play there's always an opportunity to give back. Some might ask, what does this have to do with Note investing? I believe it's relevant in that ultimately with the opportunities that Note investing can provide, our family will be able to give back even more. Be it monetarily or with more free time to volunteer or with just being there to help someone out.