Giving Away My Lunch in San Francisco!
Gary C Laney
2X #1 Bestselling Author | 3X Award Winning Sales Leader | Mastery Keynote Speaker | Serial Entrepreneur | Co-Founder, Former CEO Trustegrity | All American High School Athlete | CEO SBL Mastermind | Kellogg MBA
Years ago, I had an office in San Francisco. As was typical for a day at the office, at lunchtime I decided to go down to the street and order a sandwich at the corner café. While sitting down to eat my deli-sized sandwich, a homeless man walked in front of me. I expected him to approach me, but he headed straight for the trash receptacle and started rummaging through the garbage, I assumed to find food. I tried to focus on my lunch, but the image of this homeless man only 10 feet from me would not leave my mind. At least two times, I attempted to grab my sandwich and start eating but the front and center image of this hungry man would not go away. I looked down at my sandwich and was about to take a bite and again stopped. I just couldn’t muster up the selfish will to eat in front of him. Finally, I made a decision and wrapped up my sandwich, walked over to him, and extended my arm to him with the sandwich in my hand.?With his head still hanging over the receptacle, he looked up at me and then slowly extended his arm and hand to meet mine and took the sandwich. He thanked me and then left with sandwich in hand. I never ran into this man again but his look while accepting my small gift made an impression on me that day. I’ve stopped to help more people since that experience and the more I do it, the more I feel I’m not doing enough. People like this homeless man should never worry about where their next meal is going to come from. Every person deserves the chance to feel safe, have a purpose, and the motivation to be productive in life. Their day should not be focused on digging through garbage to find some sustenance. People like this man should feel supported by someone, whether it be family, friend, or even a stranger to have the opportunity for a better life. Like it or not, we were all put on this earth together and I believe for a reason to help each other. ?
Most of us are fortunate enough to never experience a life of being homeless. That gift alone should be something we value every day when we wake up knowing we won’t want for food, shelter, or safety. I am not promoting the concept of entitlement, because I personally believe that a person being given everything without a means to become self-reliant will never be happy or have self-fulfillment. The more we are capable of helping ourselves, the more we will feel compelled to help others. What I do want to promote is the importance of giving with a purpose, but at the end of the day, when we see someone in need, we should just do the right thing and offer a helping hand.
I recently wrote a book called, The Power of Strategic Influence. The basic concept behind influence begins with knowing how to survive (accessing influence). The homeless man in my story demonstrates that he was at least doing something to survive but I'm guessing he didn't know how to access influence. Next is accepting/taking personal responsibility for the conditions and outcomes in life (developing influence). This is followed by knowing that relationships are critical (expanding influence). I believe that authentic relationships make this world of ours function and thrive. It boils down to developing trust-based relationships. Finally, as a person gains personal value by means of education, knowledge, experience, and expertise, they develop a reputation, which turns into influence. Once personal influence is attained, we are tested. Will we use our influence to serve ourselves? (guarding influence), or will we use our influence for good (sharing and giving influence)? Good can mean developing opportunities for others, participating in a project to benefit a good cause, or simply contributing time or money to make our communities a better place for everyone to live in. ?
My goal and mission in life are to promote positive influence and positive outcomes through powerful, strategic, and meaningful relationships. Authentic Relationships create human bonding, synergistic outcomes, and opportunities that could never be created by ourselves. ?The power of positive influence when combined with strong relationships has the potential outcome of creating opportunities to help others
I’ll share one quote from my new book, The Power of Strategic Influence:
“Have a go-giver attitude. When you arrive at a position of success and influence, make the conscious decision to transition from a go-getter to a “go-giver.†– Gary C. Laney
We need more Go-Givers. If this concept of GIVING BACK interests you, join my new INFLUENCE HEROES – "GIVE BACK" LinkedIn Group by going to:
I hope you have a wonderful, meaningful, and giving day!
Sales Operations Specialist
3 å¹´Thanks for sharing, Gary. We all need reminders to be aware of others in our world, and who might need a sandwich, or a smile, or just eye contact.