Giving Away the Farm with MicroVideos
When was the last time you saw a video on the first page of the search engines (i.e., Google, Bing,)?
When you search for your business using standard search terms for your industry, are there any videos displayed?
If the answer is no, then you're in great shape. That means others haven't figured out the secrets to optimizing their videos.
Once you have this figured out, you can create any number of videos and rank them for multiple search terms. That way, when you search for terms different videos will display and they will all be linking back to your site. If you have your contact information embedded in the video, then when others "steal" your video and post it elsewhere for their own purposes, your contact information and web address will still be there.
So, how do you perform these video feats?
First, gather a list of questions that other people outside your field ask about your business.
If people are asking the same thing over and over again, that's a great question to answer. Then record yourself asking and answering those questions.
Each video should be about 3-6 minutes long depending on the question.
Here's what you want to do: give away the farm.
Most people have a vague idea what that means, but in our context it means to answer everything about your business that people will ask about.
For example, let's pretend you're an estate planning attorney. Here are questions you could answer:
- What is a will?
- What is probate?
- What happens when I die? What is the legal process?
- What does intestate mean?
- What happens with my assets when I die?
- What if I die without a will?
- Will I be affected with estate taxes when I die?
- What is an estate?
- What is a testament as in "last will and testament"?
- What's a living trust?
- What's a blind trust?
- Are the online legal forms good enough?
- How much does a will cost?
In a few minutes time, I came up with 13 questions that I could ask an attorney. (I only know some of these because I worked in an estate planning attorney's office for a year but not as an attorney). As an attorney you could answer most of these questions in 3-6 minutes each, and quite probably in your sleep.
Those questions and answers then would be the basis for individual videos. If people are still asking those questions, you need to be answering them. Imagine then if your team came up with 100 such questions?
All of them could be turned into videos that are linked to your sites and your brand.
Ok, so not an attorney?
How about a carpet cleaner? Here are questions you can answer in short video format.
- How long will it take to dry my carpet?
- Will you run hoses through my home?
- How do you get chocolate stains out of my carpet?
- Can you clean my mattress?
- How do you get gum out of the carpet?
- How do I get coffee stains out of the carpet?
- Are pet urine stains permanent?
- Is it possible to stretch or repair my carpet?
- What are you doing to protect your clients in the wake of the Covid pandemic?
Let me ask you again, who in your niche/industry in your area is answering these questions?
Do you see the power of just this single method of optimization?
The key, though, is optimizing the videos for the search engines.
That includes what's in the description, file name, information embedded into the video and keywords used. If each video is targeting a slightly different keyword, then you have that many more keywords being targeted in the search engines.
The likelihood a customer will find your information and your web properties escalates exponentially. You are the dominant force in your area because you are the expert.
You can do this, and quite easily.