Good intensions

Since 2013, Washington founded $4.8 Billion in cancer research, and funding has averaged $4.9 Billion since then until now - 2018. Meanwhile, cancer hasn't ceased the slightest bit, at all. As a matter of fact, we've found newer, stronger more malignant cancer-types, ironically now, in the age of medicine!

Since the 1980’s, America and more specifically, the music entertainment business, teamed up together to try and conquer the deaths by starvation and lack of water in Africa. For almost 40 years, billions of dollars, advancement in technology, more collective and universal relief, billions upon billions pounds of food and water have been sent to Ethiopia and other parts of Africa, and indeed the hurting and starving world.

On average, a “mainstream” rapper makes $1.25 million a year. Even a mainstream but not fully known rapper makes enough to feed a hurting country - or at the very least, a village. I can’t really say or assume that they’re not giving to charity, since all I ever see (from the outside), rappers in videos throwing their money to strippers and buying expensive cars, jewelry and thousands of dollars worth of liquor. But who knows… maybe they are giving money to charities when they’re not living that other life of licentiousness.

Bill and Melinda Gates give 95% of their wealth/fortune to their charitable foundation - so far they’ve donated $17 billion.

“So what’s your point again?”

Good question.

It’s been my “personal” observation that one can only give so much; so much of themselves, their money, their time, their assets, their advises and their existence, their now and present and their own being, before there’s nothing else to give. However, on the other hand, a taker can take forever. Or, let’s say a “receiver” (the word “taker” has a bad connotation) can receive forever.

As we can clearly see… no amount of money in the world can help with certain dispositions that plague the globe and human race. Sometimes the “giving” aids in weakening or crippling of the ones “taking” but it can in most cases be done inadvertently with no malice or hidden agenda.

You’ve heard the old quote from Chinese philosopher and founder of Taoism, Lao Tzu, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” So while helping, giving, contributing, providing and serving are all wonderful virtues… the truth of the matter, in some cases, is that by giving all of the time, you may actually be disabling the receivers for subsequent trials. 

As an example, when my kids were born and when they started the phase or stage where walking was being learned; had I carried them or put them in a stroller every time they fell when they tried to walk, I literally would have been aiding in weakening the muscles on their legs needed to walk. Figuratively, I would have been setting them up for future failures, if all they did was rely on me to carry or stroll them every time they fell trying to walk.

While for Givers, it’s our nature to always want to give… money isn’t the only way a giver gives. Time, advise, ones physical self, ideas, plans, goals, shoulder to cry, tips, pointers, suggestions and guidance are but a few intangible offerings we give of ourselves, aside from money. The takers or again, the receivers, have no qualms with getting more and more of your free offerings!

The unfortunate paradox here is that while giving is an awesome, thankless and selfless virtue; it’s often completely dismantled and rapidly devalued by the very people we’ve given so much to. Many times, we’re left depleted, disappointed and completely expended by the unfortunate paradox of giving until we can’t give anymore. While the takers or receivers usually move on to a newer, fresher and alternative giver, to help provide them with more of their needs. This can leave the giver totally depleted of all he has and sometimes even a bit taken back or hurt for thinking that something so seemingly virtuous, noble and self-gratifying, could end up being the very ingredients towards taking away the debilitating mindset of a taker.

One can’t be upset with the whole giving and taking conundrum we find ourselves in - most of the time. Rather, one should be more cautious as to whom your "giving" is "given" to. At the end of the day, no one owes anyone anything! If you have a lot to offer the world, don’t be surprised when the takers come out of the woodwork to take, deplete and then abandon.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Was it our giving that made them so reliant on us or was it that their seemingly helplessness that made us givers?

One thing is for sure… if you’re a giver, you’ll keep giving. Be sure to give at your own discretion and be sure you give, so that the receivers can ultimately be self-reliant and not continue to remain takers. If you decide to continue to give and realize that you’re just being used for everything you have, it’ll be your fault in the end, for running out of things to give and being virtually depleted of anything else to offer. Give sparingly.

So as you can see… no amount of money in the world would ever be able to stop the flow of problems this world has. In the contrary, the problems seem to exponentially get worse, deeper, wider and more prevalent, as the almighty money bandaid seems to only worsen the hemorrhaging.

Want to give something that doesn’t cost a penny?

Try compassion, love, respect, honor, sympathy, concern and deference; watch the world change right before your eyes! I believe that those intangible gifts we all posses, if given, could do more for humanity than any multi-trillion dollar bandaid could ever do!

Word of caution

Keep your eyes opened and be very mindful of those that “say” they’ll be with you till the end or they'll always be there for you. Rather, be vigilant to see if they “do” what they “say” they would do and not just "say." Talk is cheap! This is the very first sign of a taker. Sorry… receiver!


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