GivHOPE Celebrating its Champions

GivHOPE Celebrating its Champions

Leonel and Jimmy are two young Cameroonian Youth Leaders who, by their talents, know-how and expertise, show the younger ones, that they can dream and make a huge difference in other discouraged youths’ lives. Apart from being part of us, both are also leaders of many youth organizations where they have mentoring and tutoring programs for the youth, many of whom are vulnerable young boys and girls. 

Leonel is the winner of 50 Most Influential Young Cameroonians: The 2017 Edition. This was a very selective competition and he came out first in his category.

As for Jim, he is a Mountain Hiker Guru. He climbs at the summit of the highest mountain in Cameroon (4020M), the Cameroon Mountain, called again “the chariot of God”. He strives to encourage the youth to get involved in the culture of hiking in order to compete with other international hikers for the Race of Hope organized each year at the summit of this mountain. To him, hiking is more than a simple hobby: “Hiking altitude is like food in the body while praying is the food for the spirit and soul”, said Jim.

Both young men champion many aspects of GivHOPE communications/outreach activities such as bringing volunteers in to help, showcasing plastic art works during open doors, or getting personally involved, etc.

 We celebrate you, young men, and say arise because you haven’t yet reached your heights.

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