Was given extension up to Friday for the recording of damage (interview)

Was given extension up to Friday for the recording of damage (interview)

Pass the days where it means that finish esalso his deadline of one month where regions of southern Crete are in situation of emergency with possibility of extension up tofor 6-month, this ask with his statements in Planet 90,6 the vice-mayor of Primary sector Mr Argyris Pantazis. The backstage of contacts and movements that become so much from side of local institutions otherwise also deputies is continued. New datum that yesterday became known, and has brough trelative reactions is the effort from  the side of Mr Thrapsanioti to close a appointment with the chairman of ELGA, instead of the Minister Mr Vangelis Apostoloy as it had been committed. From the side of  Municipality Ierapetras in order that it reports Mr Argyris Pantazis you become coordinated effort so that is valued the cost of damage affecting, has asked they report to me analytically how many is the damage in katheti. From yesterday has begun the process of analysis ofstatements type of culture, extent ofdestruction, so that results at approach  thecost of destruction in those who they have been declared and becomes the proportional demand to the Ministry of Finance. Thedeadline for statements in the correspondents of ELGA finished passed Friday, however the deadline for solemn statements that has suffered damage and wants they enter in the list that will be given for the claim of extra ordinary aids, it took extension until coming Friday, and they become in the Protocol of Municipality. From the independent process of recording of Municipality Ierapetrasthat was extended, appear that will exceed the 500 interested, in the all Municipality Ierapetras. Be stressed that will exist newmeetings and deliberations so that exists morebriefing in the heads of municipal parties in order to is found solution in the problem. Of course it has programmer deliberation in Ierapetra stinopoia it will assist the Governorof Crete Mr Stavros Arnaoytakis, from whichwe hope result positive elements. Then Mr Pantazis made report in the boat of safety, aproposal of Municipal Committee of rural subjects, that the Municipal Council Ierapetras after his decision will propose in the responsible Merchant Marine Ministry the modification of N.4256/2014, that concerns in the routing of boat of safety, as for the followings: After expiry 48-hour (anti three days) from the interruption of tactic coastal connection decides the Minister of Shipping with the Secretary-Generals for the need of extra ordinary itineraries (hour of departure, frequency and destination)  to the islands,when results urgent social need, which canplace at risk the public health and the economic interests of islanders. Is dispatchedargued demand from the Governor (inside 48-hour) for the need of extraordinary it inerariesto the Minister of Shipping, and it is not required until now meeting of Council of Coastal Transport, so that are executed extra ordinary it ineraries.

Hear the interview that it granted in Planet 90,6 Mr Argyris Pantazis


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