#GiveFive #FirstFiver in Support of the NNAB
We don't often post blatant requests for cash, so please forgive me on this occasion. I wanted to highlight a charity-giving campaign which has been gathering pace on social media over the last few days. Using the hashtags #GiveFive and #FirstFiver, people are being encouraged to give their first new five pound note to charity. The smaller, plastic notes have been designed to be easier to handle and recognise by people with sight loss.
We would of course be delighted if you chose to give your first fiver to the NNAB. Or - if you've already spent one - then your second or third! And you don't have to get the actual note to us.
You can donate £5 using your mobile phone: simply text "NNAB01£5" to 70070.Every penny we raise helps blind and partially sighted people of all ages in Norfolk enjoy active and fulfilled lives. Your first fiver will really make a difference.
Thank you so much,
Mike Talbot, Chief Executive, The Norfolk and Norwich Association for the Blind