A Giveaway Can Grow Your Community (and Income)
DID YOU KNOW... For as little as $20, you can run a Giveaway that will grow your email list and income!?! (If you aren't using Mailchimp, GetResponse or another app to grow your email list, you're not alone! Keep reading...)
My first ever giveaway budget was $20 in 2018. The prize was a 6 week business reno package, so I was giving away my time rather than a physical item like an iPad. I paid $20 to boost my Giveaway post on Facebook. I wasn't on Instagram then. My first ever Giveaway was a HUGE credibility and community booster.
A few weeks ago I ran a Giveaway using mainly Instagram to attract entries. My Giveaway budget was $300, invested in 2 ways:
Now let's look at my ROI (return on investment) of roughly 10 hours of my time and $300:
FYI, my typical new client conversion rate for new email subscribers is 25%.
This means that out of the 30 new email subscribers, 7 or 8 will come to an event or purchase a course or coaching package from me. These 7 or 8 women will put anywhere from $100-$10,000 in my pocket - EACH! All from running a super fun Giveaway and investing $300. Not to mention the ROI in the form of awesome new friends like some of you ladies reading this ??.
The ripple effect from a Giveaway lasts as long as your business or organization exists. Therefore, the exact ROI cannot be calculated. For example, I gave a copy of my 90 Day Planner to 24 women who entered my Giveaway. That's a physical item that will be in their homes for years to come and will definitely attract referrals.
*** kingsumo.com will host your Giveaway and keep track of your contestants FOR FREE!!!
This is your checklist for every day during your 7-10 day giveaway promotion...
Each day, do at least one of the following - 2 is best:
The above image is a Canva template made with love for you, so click here to use it! ??
4. Email all your contestants to thank them for participating. Wish them good luck, include an image like the one above and let them know they can get more entries in the draw by sharing your Giveaway image on their Instagram stories. Remind them to tag you so you see they shared it and can add their name in the draw. Also ask them to forward the email to anyone who might want to win this prize/one of the prizes.
5. Hop on Instagram Live to engage with your followers. Utilize this opportunity to talk about something unique!! It's not every day you are giving away valuable stuff for free! Invite them on to share a story or ask a question.
Always make your Instagram Live videos about them. Don't say, "I'm live because I want to get more followers." Or, "I want to grow my business, and Lyndsie says I have to do more Instagram Lives." Say instead, "I am grateful for the opportunity to serve awesome people like you by helping you achieve______, so let's have a conversation about it! I want to connect you with others like you and that's what this Giveaway is all about - making new like-minded connections."
Be clear your Giveaway is all about giving back and helping others. Be excited. Show how much fun you are having, even though it is taking you out of your comfort zone. And be real about your discomfort! The more nervous/excited and smiley you are, the more engagement you'll get from your Instagram Lives and posts. And more engagement means more draw entries and a higher ROI!!
6. Keep your head in the game. Running a Giveaway is like building and launching any event - you need to keep your eye on the prize. Mindset: You are doing this for 2 purposes: (1)Remind your existing followers you are a servant who loves what you do and you are FREAKING AMAZING AT IT. (2) You are introducing yourself to people who didn't know you. This will happen from referrals and from a $20 BOOST on one of your posts.
Keep your head in the COMMUNITY BUILDING GAME by reminding yourself the above 2 reasons are why you are doing this.
That's it.
Your success is NOT measured by how many people enter your Giveaway.
Again... Your success is NOT measured by how many people enter your Giveaway!
This is about creating 1, 5, 50 or 500 ripple effects, each which happens from people simply seeing your face, feeling like they like you and understanding what you have to offer.
??BONUS?? Post-Giveaway Acton Step (step 3 of 3)
I'll start by saying this baby is PURE GOLD.
Email all your contestants who didn't win and offer them something for free. A 30-minute consultation. A downloadable PDF. A how-to video of you sharing a valuable strategy. An invite to a one-off free workshop on Zoom. These people who didn't win, whether there are 3 or 300 of them, loved what you offered enough to take the time to enter your Giveaway. THAT'S HUGE! Don't let them walk away unnoticed and unappreciated. These lovely humans are what we call "low-hanging fruit".
If you found my Giveaway Checklist helpful, this will blow your mind...
This is only one part of my brand-new Event Design & Marketing Course!
Why did I create this new course?
Because so many of you have asked for help with planning and marketing your events, including:
If you are ready to take your credibility and community growth to the next level through offering an event, I want to help you. That's why I've packaged my tried-and-true event design and marketing steps into video training and a 10-page workbook PDF with checklists and BONUS TIPS!
If you want to get it for only $89 before the price goes up to $300, click here.
If you're curious about the YYC Fempreneurs Community and how I help women earn more $ doing things they love, watch this video:
Thanks for reading and sharing this article, Fempreneur!!
I hope to see you soon!
Lyndsie Barrie