Give yourself a raise
Back in 1999, which was early in my life as an agency owner, I made the mistake of doing the math. I figured out what my hourly wage was based on my actual work week. If that didn’t sting enough, I figured out that Uncle Sam was making more per hour from my agency than I was! Even when I adjusted it for a 40 hour work week, it wasn’t pretty.
Worst of all — it was because of my ignorance. When I think back to all of the years that I worked my tail off and all of the money I gave away because of bad decisions, ignorance, and a lack of a solid agency-centric strategy, it makes me a little nauseous.
The Money Matters workshop (December 9 & 10 in Orlando) is designed to give you the agency-specific KPIs, best practices, and hacks to make sure you are making what you are worth.
I know it’s not just about you. I know you are fighting to keep your key team members — you want to reward them, help them grow and invest back into the agency.
“This workshop changed everything. Less than a year later I can honestly say, that my team and I are making more, the IRS is making less, and I finally know, at a glance, how we’re doing. I’ve been doing this for 17 years, and this is the first time I really feel in control.”
I want you to have the resources to do all of that. Let us teach you how to manage the money you do have with better metrics, spend it where it will pay back dividends, and help you build a plan to keep more of what you make.
We will cover best practices and agency-specific KPIs on:
? Is your agency financially healthy?
? Making sure you hit your profitability goals
? Staffing (do you really need another FTE?)
? Compensation best practices (for you and your team)
? Client grading/growing
? Tax strategies that will literally put thousands back into your pocket
? Biz Dev/growth metrics so you aren’t chasing the wrong prospects
? So much more!
What do you say? Are you ready to do it a little differently in 2022?
Drew McLellan, with Agency Management Institute, produces a weekly newsletter with updates, tips, and market information of value to marketing agencies, owners, and employees. If you'd like to receive the weekly newsletter, follow this link to subscribe.