Give yourself a raise!
If only you could give yourself a raise anytime you wanted...Oh, wait! You can! One of the benefits of being a business owner is you have the power to increase your revenue by signing one new client. As a business owner we can control our earning potential directly through our action or indirectly through our leadership. We often get distracted with allowing our attention of focus to stray from our most impactful activities. Shouldn't we all be starting our day with a plan to give our self a raise and planning our day accordingly? As we've all just (hopefully) successfully closed the books on our 2016 accounting and taxes we may start to have a little indigestion over the tax bill we just had to pay. This is something we all have to deal with but we do have the power to bring in more customers and increase our living.
Owning a business is not for the faint hearted. It certainly has it's share of challenges and opportunities that someone simply drawing a salary does not only have to contend with but even understand. Low risk usually means that there is only the possibility for low reward. Challenge yourself to only be willing to participate in the highest revenue producing activities and delegate the rest. You will have more fun and feel better about your financial situation.