Give Yourself the Gift of Living and Working Intentionally
Daniela Sekiya, MAHRM, CPTM, ODCP
I strive to be a positive force for good, lifting others up in ways that matter to them. --> Trusted Advisor. Coach. Consultant.
With hundreds of priorities (career, family, friends, volunteer work, self-care, pets,...) calling our names at any given moment, it is easy to get stuck in a reactive pattern.
This pattern of reactivity is a sneaky little thing. It often disguises itself as praised qualities and skills like collaboration and teamwork, superb customer service, being helpful and supportive friend/partner/parent/caregiver.
When living in this reactive state for a prolonged period of time, the pattern becomes us. We habituate and internalize that which we consistently practice. It becomes the way we operate by default, our "comfort zone". How one might break this pattern?
Connect (or re-connect) with yourself. Know what is important to you and why. Identify values that drive you in life. As our new VP of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion thoughtfully asked in one of the get-to-know-you sessions: "What is your purpose on this planet?" Are there things you are holding onto that no longer serve you?
Start your day right. While it's important to leave room for the unexpected - the surprises of life - take control of your mornings. If you do not, someone or something else will. So start your day intentionally and mindfully. If you are not a morning person, like me, wake up 15-30 minutes earlier than your usual time and spend that time on you. Read a book, count your blessings, listen to music, journal, meditate, workout, have breakfast. Do something that brings you joy. Fill your own bucket. You deserve it.
Prioritize. Prioritize. Prioritize. There are times when it is appropriate to drop whatever you are doing and attend to something urgent and important. However, if you find yourself "putting out fires" more than you would like - I invite you to explore how truly "urgent" and "important" those never-ending requests that pull you away from your intended work are. Using a trusted sounding board can be helpful. Will the world really come to an end if you do not respond to that email as soon as it hits your inbox?
Know and set clear boundaries. When you say "yes" to something, what are you saying "no" to? As much as you possibly can - create room for activities, relationships, work, hobbies that energize rather than deplete you. We all have responsibilities we would rather outsource. Aim to spend no more than 20%-30% of your time on these energy suckers. The big question is: any volunteers to do my laundry? Anyone? No? Alrighty then...
Take a mindfulness break. Check-in with yourself throughout the day - how are you feeling at this moment? What sensations do you feel in my body? What do you notice about the environment you are in? We bring our whole selves everywhere we go. The more self-aware we are, the more we are able to act vs. react to our circumstances and relationships. Setting reminders on your phone or calendar to "just breathe" can help you build the habit.
This holiday season, give yourself the gift of living and working intentionally. It can be the difference between a response that ruins vs. strengthens a relationship, a commitment you dread vs. look forward to, and lead to a healthier, happier, more fulfilled you.