To give-themselves-to-each-other
Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common.
Acts 4:32
Heaven and Earth give themselves. Air, water, plants, animals, and humans give themselves to each other. It is in this giving-themselves-to-each-other that we actually live. Whether you appreciate it or not, it is true.
Kōdō Sawaki
Sawaki’s teaching is a broad view of what it means to have a holistic life. He acknowledges a basic truth: we belong to something bigger than ourselves and are called to-give-ourselves-to-it as the way to actually live. Jesus' followers in Acts were actually living this truth. After the death and resurrection of Jesus, the Jerusalem church began, and the members of that initial community were of one heart and soul. They viewed their possessions as part of the whole common community, recognizing that as living in community with the Holy (in order to have a holistic life), they were stewards of those possessions for the common good.
Have we ever participated in a community like this? Of course, there are no perfect communities, but there are groups that come together under a common belief, faith and/or service that live and work together like this. My experiences with these holistic communities have all been spiritual; but not all were necessarily religious.
In health care, there is the common belief or goal that holistic care for the patient be central to the patient's care and of the highest priority. When all the team members truly value this goal above everything, then all who participate are elevated to their best to give their best for those in their care. It is truly an experience to behold. There is a selflessness in participating in the common good that transcends ego. There can be tension to want credit or acknowledgement; and affirmation is important to be shared liberally among team members and leaders. Even so, the call to this holistic community service is to let go of these personal things for the greater good. When we begin to let go of these personal issues, we can experience an appreciation which is deep and abiding and can feel the beauty of such a kinship.
May we, with God’s help, let go to participate in holistic community for the greater good!