Give STL Day 2024
“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.” ― Arundhati Roy

Give STL Day 2024

It's Give STL Day.? If you're in St. Louis, you are probably receiving several other e-mails asking you to give.? If you're outside St. Louis, stick with us!? Even if you are not in the area, it is still a great opportunity to have your donation TRIPLED by our matching donors.

Give STL Day is an opportunity to show St. Louis what kind of new world we envision; what kind of community we believe in. During an election year, this is more important than ever.

We’ve seen this community step up to challenges.??Today, let's show the region that?immigrants are welcome here, and that their value and dignity is not determined by legal status.

Read on to hear from one of our clients about what a difference your support?makes.

Hello, I’m Lucia and in these brief words I want to express my most sincere gratitude to the MICA Project–for so much dedication and help they gave me unconditional support and above all to my lawyer Nicole Cortes and Mariana Leon. And to each of the people at MICA, thank you all for making my case a success and that we could win it. They are great people that God put in my life and I will never be able to pay them back for all the help, I can only say that in my heart there is infinite gratitude and affection, and I hope and ask God that they can give their support and kindness to many more immigrants. All the people at MICA are angels and a blessing for every immigrant that comes to this country to fight.??Thank you very much MICA <3?

Please donate today towards our Spring Campaign!? All donations made through our


