Tamara Nisanov, Ed.M., M.A.
Personal Trainer | Corporate Wellness | Fitness Instructor | Passionate Relationship Builder
Is it all about giving or is it all about getting? What are your intentions in life, in relationships, during the holidays?
I often use the phrase that I heard from Tony Robbins years ago, which states, "The secret to living is giving." It's a powerful phrase, however, in our society of "give me, give me, give me", and wanting so much, more materialism abounds than abundance. Do we focus on giving as an integral part of ourselves or simply during the holidays?
"The secret to living is giving."
~Tony Robbins
I don't believe life is just about giving and never receiving as our experiences live on a continuum. Neither of us are simply good or bad, just like we don't only give and we can't only get. We sway on this continuum, some of us swaying more towards one side than the other. So do you give more than you get or do you get more than you give?
So do you give more than you get or do you get more than you give?
Does the desire to give come up during this time of year, with secret santas, white elephants, 8 nights or the pressure from those around you to get them all they've ever wanted and more? Is it just to say you gave, is it just for them to say they got or does it have meaning?
Are the gifts you give filled with love? Are they necessary or just excess? Do you dread this time of the year or can you manage it because you're doing it with integrity rather than trying to impress others?
This time of year brings giving to the forefront yet I encourage you to reflect on how giving plays out in your life. Do you say please and thank you, do you give good tips for people who deserve them, do you give meaningful gifts to your loved ones and do you give the gift of your time, respect, love and trust to the important people in your life? Is it easy for you to give or do you find it challenging? Answer honestly here because you have to find where on the continuum of giving and getting you lay so you can perhaps tip toe your way towards the other end and try it out. have to find where on the continuum of giving and getting you lay so you can perhaps tip toe your way towards the other end and try it out.
This goes the same for all of us who just give and never receive. The forever caretaker forgetting about herself and always thinking of others. We all know this person, and some of us all to well. Since it's a continuum, you also have to see what it's like on the other side. How about asking for what you want and demanding the important things in your life and in your relationships exist. Do you want your children to give you the gift of a clean room, your spouse to massage your feet or that nice outfit you've been eyeing for months. If you desire something with integrity then more power to you. You can't just give without receiving because you need to fill your cup before you fill the cup of others and the refills are unlimited so give and receive, over and over.
So as you do your last minute holiday shopping, don't cave into the pressure of others, but stay true to yourself. If giving brings you ultimate joy, give as much as you desire, if you know you don't receive enough, give to yourself. If you always receive, and it's to excess, give more to find a balance.
The balance is the key, a give and receive continuum which is always flowing. Remember it's not all about material things that you can touch, but it's deeper than that. If we give and receive with generosity, kindness, love, compassion, care and beautiful intention, our lives will be overflowing with abundance.
If we give and receive with generosity, kindness, love, compassion, care and beautiful intention, our lives will be overflowing with abundance.
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My hope is that these ideas help you in the way you desire them to.
Thank you,
Fitness and Wellness Coach, Personal Trainer, Instructor
EdM, MA Psychological Counseling, NASM Personal Trainer, AFAA Group Fitness, Precision Nutrition Level 1
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