Give Miami Day!

Give Miami Day!

Today is the city of Miami’s official GIVE MIAMI DAY, the most active day of philanthropic giving in South Florida history!  The Miami Marlins front office is shutting down and partnering with The Miami Foundation’s to raise as much money as possible for South Florida charities in 24 hours! We have a goal of over $6million in ONE DAY!

My team is trying to do our part in support of this great day.  Every donation helps.  You can donate as small as $25 to the charity of your choice.  If you do not have a specific charity, I ask that you support my friends at  HandsOn Miami! They inspire, equip and mobilize people to take action to positively effect change in Miami-Dade County. 


Go to and submit your donation! Once you fill out your donation information, there is JUST ONE MORE STEP! Click the  “In honor of” dropdown as shown in the pic and type CITIZENSHIP into the box below it.  This will track your donation to my team and potentially qualify your donation for an ADDITIONAL donation from the Marlins funded bonus pool!  


