Give Me This nation!
I am Chukwuemeka Stanley Asiegbu. Like every human being, I am mortal and a descendant of Ashiegbu Ndiama, one of the ancestors of a village called Amafor Nkalu in Mbaitolu Local Government Area in Imo State. My father's name is Alamezie Ashiegbu and my mother, Mgbenkeonye Ashiegbu. I can proudly say these are upright parents who value a good name more than silver and gold.
I was born with a keenness to ask questions about.....almost everything. I ask questions about life, nature, humans and even things unseen. I remember asking 'too many' questions when I was in primary school and the teacher flared up on me. Even though the teacher later apologized to me privately, this incident stuck with me and made me almost stop asking questions in class. But after this when I started getting withdrawn, and thinking things through on my own, it dawned on me that a lot of life's questions cannot be answered in the classroom. Understanding this opened up my mind, a mind that teaches and admonishes without fear or favor.
After my classroom incident, I became inclined to learning from other people's questions, listened attentively while the teacher taught and also studied on my own as much as I could, all in a bid to avoid embarrassment when I ask questions in class.
But I needed someone i could freely ask questions without fear of backlash. And I found that person in my father. Even as a boy, I knew there was a limit to what my father knew; he was just a businessman who passed through the Igbo apprenticeship system. My Dad also has an incredible memory about the events of his growing up and all that transpired along. So it was always very interesting having to sit and listen to him tell stories about growing up; about his hunting expeditions, and most captivatingly, events and life during the civil war.
When my Dad finished telling me stories about the civil war, all I could see was a nation in dire need of self love.
Nigeria's civil war was a defining moment in the history of this country. Of all the events of the past, none has had the biggest impact in this country than the civil war. It was an opportunity for a new beginning, an opportunity to re-unify this nation?after having fallen into the hands of people who could not manage the diversities of this great nation. Even up this day, one of Nigeria's biggest problem is mismanagement of her diversities.
One of nature's greatest gift is diversity; things would have been extremely boring without diversity. Using the diversity of humans to oppress or mismanage them is unwise because diversity is all about peculiarity. Everything and everyone has something peculiar to offer in the scheme of things.
Understanding this breeds respect, accommodation, stability and tolerance.
I have said a lot of prayers in my life, and cumulatively, I have asked for wisdom?and understanding more than any other thing, starting from when I was a boy. I have lived among many tribes and never had issues with them. Why? Because I understand what it means not to cross boundaries, incite anyone against anyone, talk less, respect spaces and focus more on the good of others. My understanding of human nature has been my greatest guide when dealing with humans.
I never chose to be born into this nation, neither did I choose to be born in the continent Africa. On a personal level, I have enjoyed inner peace because I keep my heart and hands clean towards my neighbors. My greatest concerns have come from the concerns of this nation that is bound for glory, but yet stuck in the mud of bad leadership.
But why was I born as a Nigerian and as an African? Because the problems of these entities needed a solution and the need for these solutions necessitated my birth in this country and the continent.
I carry in me the solution to this nation's struggle for survival and development.
Nigeria is not a monarchy, therefore no matter how much I try I will never have 100% consent from everyone to lead this nation because some people do not want the nation to be lifted for reasons best known to them. The ultimate goal of the movement is to have more people on our side, the side of rebirth, than on the side of slow death.
Give me this nation and I will fix her. Fixing her requires someone that is not greedy, someone that have great contentment. I learnt early in life to be contented with my own possessions and not be moved by what others own, even while I?work for more.
To this day, I never heard or saw my parents quarrel anyone over money. As a matter of fact, I witnessed people begging my Dad to refer business partners because of how sincere my Dad was when they worked together.
This nation need someone who will be contented with what they have and encourage others to do same, else the person will not see an end to stealing public funds.
This nation has the brightest minds yet, it seems these minds are not mined, the talents which abound in this nation are second to none yet majority of people here die without expressing their talents because the government side of push they need was not there.
From the east to the west, up to the north and down to the south, resources abound yet poverty smiles at the doorsteps of millions on a daily. These people go through a lot.
Give me this nation and I will set up institutions that work on poor minds with the goal of transforming them to national resources.
Why do nations fight to the death in other to protect their land??It is because their nation is their identity. This nation is our priced possession and we must protect it with all our might. The security architecture of this nation must be strengthened to avoid, and deter compromise. Compromise kills security faster than it takes to commit the crime
Give me this nation.
Give me this nation for I have understanding. Understanding is the only check for personal actions and convictions. With understanding, you see consequences of actions even before they are even taken. This nation has not fared the way it should because previous and present leaders lack understanding.
A leader that has understanding will watch his words and actions because they travel faster than his legs, and people interpret than faster than lighting whether it be for good or for bad. The words and actions of a leader who lacks understanding can destroy a once peaceful nation.
Give me this nation for I have the strength and tenacity to do the work; I will study documents before signing and inspect the necessities of government to ensure they meet specifics.
Why exactly am I asking for this nation?
Because you deserve better. Because your parents deserve better. Because your kids deserve better.
I am passionate about this as I can't wait to hear the gongs of celebration all across the nation.
Give me this nation.