Give Me High Five!
National High Five Day 2016
Date When Celebrated : Third Saturday in April
Gimme a high five. As a matter of fact, give everyone you see a High Five!
The "High Five" is a celebratory slapping of hands atop raised arms. It's been a standard for celebration of sporting victories, special event, competitions and many other activities for decades.
It's fun , and easy to celebrate this special day. Give a High Five to everyone you see. This includes friends, family, passersby, and total strangers. The more high fives you give, the better.
BTW: It's okay to give a "Low Five" today. But, only after you've given the "High Five".
Behind the Scenes on the HIGH FIVE:
In certain study it has be proven that, when a person gets frugal touch (nonsexual) like a pat in a back, neck-touch and even high fives, gives him/her a certain amount of self-satisfaction, by increasing the Oxytocin, a hormone that increases the sensation of bonding and well-being, and also reduces the level of Alpha-amylase, which is a stress indicator.
The reason stand to be stimulating, yet simple when it comes to art of touching. Studies has shown a great deal of passion while stating the art of touching. The brain development of babies enhanced by personal touch.
HI -five is a mutual feeling, as both party are accepting and appreciating on common grounds. Imagine, the power of oxitocin rush it will generate.
"Touch is a really good way to indicate who is on your side. We essentially distribute our neural processing of stress across other people," said University of Virginia research psychologist James Coan, who studies the effect of touch on the brain's response to stress and fear.
Being with someone you trust allows a person to "contract out" his or her stress management, Dr. Coan explained, and touch is simply a shortcut to communicating that trust.
In business, where to be successful you not only have to monitor the bottom line but also regulate your negative emotions and level of stress (all of which are executive tasks involving your pre-frontal cortex), any reliable sign of trust means that you don't have to monitor your environment as much.
Don't Leave me hangin............ get out of your box and High Five someone today!