Give a Little
Photo by Annie Spratt/Unsplash

Give a Little

“The heart that gives, gathers.” – Tao Te Ching


A beloved mentor of mine (one of my screenwriting professors at UCLA Film School) taught me something about giving recently. He started Every Little Bit Project (check it out on Facebook at every little bit facebook) to help the local homeless community. Donations provide sustenance bags (filled with items such as socks, snacks, toothpaste/toothbrush, wet wipes, etc.) and the people helped are immensely grateful.

The idea for the project was simple: Do something good for those in need. This is an idea whose time has come. Just look around. There are thousands of homeless individuals in your own community in desperate need of assistance.

Most of us have donated some change or a couple of dollars to charities outside of malls and markets. Contributing anonymously to the Salvation Army and other recognized charities is one way to help. So is donating online, writing a check or gathering clean, usable and useful items to charitable organizations.

I like Every Little Bit Project because it is more involving and got some traction on social media. Likely, other projects may spring up around the country with the same goal.

Giving a little isn’t painful. It’s therapeutic in the sense that you know your efforts are going for good. It’s also a boost to your overall appreciation of life. After all, with just some change of circumstance, each of us might be in a similar situation of homelessness, with no resources, no food or shelter, no hope for the future. Wouldn’t you want someone to be generous in this way toward you? I know I would.

Think of all that we have. There’s more than enough to go around. Surely, we can spare a few dollars to do something good and right. It doesn’t matter if you receive a tax write-off or not. What does matter is that you want to help – and follow through on the intention by giving.

I’d also like to add that the benefits of giving accrue to both the recipient of the gift and the giver. While I may not find out-of-fashion (but still very useful) clothing appealing, others might be very appreciative to receive these items. Makeup, shampoo, conditioner and toothpaste samples serve a similar purpose.

Giving can and should occur year-round, but it’s during the end of the year holidays when it seems to be the most needed.

Give a little. You’ll gather a lot in the process.


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