Erik Eatraxx Nilsson
Head creator - Music4Motion - Innovative music production company for sync and artists. Multiplatinum producer and composer. Eatraxx - 2.6k placements, 18k connections, one stop and publisher.
When I′m not doing music, I create together with my daughter. This time, like many other times, action against climate change, teaching here the little things we can do to make a difference. We cleaned the peer during 90 min and 2 full bags were collected with all kinds of trash. She presents this project at school, trying to get some attention, and hoping for better luck this time.
Now, of course it′s the most important issue to teach your kids right now, but it also gives them a purpose to act, a reason to engage and a mission to fulfill, feeling USEFUL and getting away from gaming and tiktok.
She regretfully learns about apathy, adults not caring or having no education at all about climate change, about more than 6 billion cars all over the world vomiting out Co2, the different country′s unwill to do their part of the work and responsability, because of money, not understanding that money won′t be able to save anyone when time comes. She knocks the windows of the cars running their engines for the need of enjoying A/C, asking them politely to turn off their engines and enjoy the shade instead, but get mostly indifference as an answer.
Anyhow, we continue, we fight, we preach, and above all, SHE learns the importance of ACTION on her behalf, and she loves it.
So give your kids a mission, they truly love it and they learn " I can make a difference " - Ps. Don′t ever let them stop believing in magic! "