Give with Gratitude
Lake Bde Maka Ska - Taken By Susie Douang

Give with Gratitude

::::: ???Pause, for just a moment ::::

Take a slow deep breath in and slow equally deep exhale out. ??

Do it again (maybe even better than the first time) and think about what you are grateful for within your current surroundings. ??

How do you feel? Better? I hope you do. ???

During this time, it is so important for us to reflect and help support oneself and each other. 

To be transparent, I am grateful for the ability WFH, stable compensation and the interwebs ??. Oh, the all mighty interwebs! :)

Seriously though, being grateful is a privilege - we are grateful for what we HAVE.

With this in mind, it is important to seek out personal connections (whether they are closest friend or folks that one hardly speaks to) and help! ??

On social media, an acquaintance/former restaurant co-worker was embarrassed and scared to ask for help for the family dog. I recommended that she start a donation page and 15-mins in before I could even donate myself, she reached her goal! Today, she has double it! I then donated to my best friend who lost one bi-weekly paycheck and won’t get a bonus this year. He also has a risk of losing his job of 6 years. I also donated to a former HS friend’s local saloon (Fox Den) where she put all of her blood, sweat, tears — basically her lifeline into her own small business.

This is NOT met to be a humblebrag, but just real-world and easy examples of ways to help. If I can do it, I know that you can make a small impact and help as well. We can all make a big impact…similar to the butterfly effect…. ??

Of course helping each other doesn’t have to be financial — i.e. donating blood is super important right now since there is a huge shortage! Below is a link for (other) creative and important ways you can help!

How you can help amid the crisis by Alexander Besant

You can do it! The world needs you! ??


