Give God a layup
Proverbs 21:3 To do what is right and just?is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.
God is full of grace and compassion, but man does He deserve a layup from time to time. If I were a counselor or a pastor and the same people kept coming to me with issues they created, seeking a solutions and grace... as a human it would get overwhelming! But then one day, someone would book an appointment, come in and just say, 'Hey! Just wanted to say that everything is good! I followed your recommendations, prayed and listened to God, and life is pretty good!'... That would be WAY easier and satisfying than helping them build a game plan to get out of their storm. God has all the grace in the world, but if we just do what is right in the first place by following His plan, we can give Him a layup every once in a while. Give God a layup and have a blessed day!
#layup #faith #Jesus