Give freely and be blessed
Proverbs 11:24 One person gives freely, yet gains even more;?another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.
When 'stuff' doesn't own us, we are free of it controlling us. Money, time, and talents are all gifts we are blessed with (sometimes we may be blessed with one or more these than the others). When we manage them all in a way God would want us to, we find that we have them in abundance. If we give money without expectation and with a cheerful heart, we always seem to be blessed with more. If we manage our time well, we give our time in ways that serve others without focusing on money and opportunity for ourselves. And if we use our talents for God's glory, others are served and we honor God in the process. Don't limit your life to making money and stuff your purpose. Give freely, be blessed and have a blessed day!
#freely #give #faith #Jesus