Give Everything You Have

Give Everything You Have

Triple Espresso:

To give every single thing you have is the ONLY good fight there is.

Will you fight?

Most won't.

Most hold something back.

But true Leaders, Masters, and Warriors hold NOTHING back.

Einstein stated:

"Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason, mastery demands all of a person."

There are two imperatives here for your Leadership, Life, and Business.

1. You must know your cause, what Hill called your worthy ideal.?

Anyone would be INSANE to give their entire life for a certain amount of money or material gain. It's all going away when you leave, and deep down INSIDE you KNOW this.

Yet, many in this world are insane nonetheless.

Choose an outcome, cause, calling that is WORTHY OF YOU! Worthy of your VERY LIFE!?

For that's what it's going to take.

2. Someone once asked me, "How do you know when you've sacrificed too much James?"

Read Einstein's quote above and you'll find your answer. There is NO SUCH THING as "sacrificing too much" for your calling. ONLY not sacrificing ENOUGH.

The original meaning of "sacrifice" is "too make sacred."

What are you willing to lay on the altar of life as homage, redemption, the price you must pay for what you're here to accomplish?

If there's ANY holdback. Then you don't truly love it enough.

And love, sacrifice, giving your all, and going all-in are the characteristics of authentic leadership.

Authentic Leaders change the world.

The world needs more Authentic Leaders. Will you hear the call? Be a Leader. Live Your Purpose; and Take Your Power Back! Leadership For The Future on August 27th-29th, 2021. Details here:

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