Simon Scholes ??
Creating great 3D and 360 visual tour content to showcase your hospitality premises, also creating video and aerial content to enhance your social media.
When it comes to creating content for our brands, businesses etc. we all tend to try and be a little more professional. We think that’s what’s needed, why would anyone want to know about me?
However, the fact of the matter is, we all make connections and buy products etc. based on emotions, nobody buys anything without a form of emotional connection to the product. So, this is where you can break down the boundaries using social media.
Don’t ever forget, you might be B2B, B2C but you’re always going to be H2H (Human to human).
For example, without social media would you have known I was once a highly ranked decathlete? Would you have known I was training for international competitions before a serious injury happened if you’d not listened to my podcast? Would you have known I worked in radio and created music and radio services for some of the biggest brands in the world such as IKEA, Burberry and Top Shop to name a few while?
People like to have an insight into what’s happening behind the scenes, it’s why show’s like Big Brother, Love Island etc. all perform so well, humans have it built in us to be a little voyeuristic, and like to see what’s going on in the forbidden areas.
So, when it comes to your content don’t be afraid to give a bit of yourself away with it, add your personality to your content. I often get asked why I film my life every single day, and it’s to give away that element of, this is me, this is my brand and business slowly growing, and here’s what I do most days that might relate to you i.e. going to the gym, looking after my little boy, struggling with lack of sleep, struggling with quotes being out etc. etc.
Have some fun with it, and I can’t wait to see your personality start to shine through your content too.