GitHub Self-Hosted ARC Runner setup using KinD Clusters, Flux CD

GitHub Self-Hosted ARC Runner setup using KinD Clusters, Flux CD


GitHub Actions is a robust and very popular industry standard CI/CD platform.

It enables you to automate build, testing, and deployment pipelines. It also lets you run arbitrary code on a specified repository when an event occurs. Actions use code packages in Docker containers that run on GitHub servers. They are compatible with all programming languages to ensure you can run them on public clouds as well as local servers.

Different types of runners:

  • GitHub Hosted runners
  • Self-Hosted Runners
  • ARC - Action Runner Controlled Runners ("On Demand")

GitHub - Hosted Runners:

GitHub offers hosted virtual machines to run workflows. The virtual machine contains an environment of tools, packages, and settings available for GitHub Actions to use.

GitHub-hosted runner is a new virtual machine (VM) hosted by GitHub with the runner application and other tools preinstalled and is available with Ubuntu Linux, Windows, or macOS operating systems. When you use a GitHub-hosted runner, machine maintenance and upgrades are taken care of for you.

To use a GitHub-hosted runner, create a job and use runs-on to specify the type of runner that will process the job, such as ubuntu-latest, windows-latest, or macos-latest

Self - Hosted Runners:

A self-hosted runner is a system that you deploy and manage to execute jobs from GitHub Actions on For more information about GitHub Actions, see "Understanding GitHub Actions."

Why "Self-Hosted Runners"

Self-hosted runners offer more control of hardware, operating systems, and software tools than GitHub-hosted runners provide. With self-hosted runners, you can create custom hardware configurations that meet your needs with processing power or memory to run larger jobs, install software available on your local network, and choose an operating system not offered by GitHub-hosted runners. Self-hosted runners can be physical, virtual, in a container, on-premises, or in a cloud.

You can add self-hosted runners at various levels in the management hierarchy:

  • Repository-level runners are dedicated to a single repository.
  • Organization-level runners can process jobs for multiple repositories in an organization.
  • Enterprise-level runners can be assigned to multiple organizations in an enterprise account.

Action Runner Controller

Actions Runner Controller (ARC) is a Kubernetes operator that orchestrates and scales self-hosted runners for GitHub Actions. For more information, see Operator pattern in the Kubernetes documentation.

With ARC, you can create runner scale sets that automatically scale based on the number of workflows running in your repository, organization, or enterprise. Because controlled runners can be ephemeral and based on containers, new runner instances can scale up or down rapidly and cleanly. For more information about autoscaling, see "Autoscaling with self-hosted runners."

You can set up ARC on Kubernetes using Helm, then create and run a workflow that uses runner scale sets. For more information about runner scale sets, see "Deploying runner scale sets with Actions Runner Controller."

About Actions Runner Controller

GitHub Self-hosted Runner Setup:


Create a new free-tier Organization and link that organization with a trial Enterprise account.

  1. Create a new repository for building and pushing custom actions-runner-image.
  2. Create a new GitHub apps under the organizational level and install them to get the app ID, appInstallationID, and client_secret private key.
  3. Create an Azure Container Registry Instance in both NPD/PRD and activate the access key to get the admin user, Login URI, etc

Azure Container Registries
access keys

High Level Architecture

High-Level Architecture
Self-Hosted Runner Design

Figma Link:

Create kind k8's cluster for runner

We need to set up two different KinD Kubernetes cluster, ingress Nginx both for NPD and PRD environments.

Command to set up:

kind create cluster --name gha-selfhosted-cluster --config=gha-selfhosted.yaml
kubectl cluster-info --context kind-gha-selfhosted-cluster

kubectl apply -f

kubectl get po  -A --context kind-gha-selfhosted-cluster
kubectl get svc -A --context kind-gha-selfhosted-cluster
kubectl get ing -A --context kind-gha-selfhosted-cluster

kind create cluster --name gha-selfhosted-cluster-prd --config=gha-selfhosted-prd.yaml
kubectl cluster-info --context kind-gha-selfhosted-cluster-prd

kubectl apply -f

kubectl get po  -A --context kind-gha-selfhosted-cluster-prd
kubectl get svc -A --context kind-gha-selfhosted-cluster-prd
kubectl get ing -A --context kind-gha-selfhosted-cluster-prd        

Authenticating the runner

We are using the GitHub App method for authenticating GitHub to the Action Runner Controller.

  1. As an owner of the Organizational Repository, we will have access to create our own GitHub apps. Get the credentials of a new GitHub App.
  2. GitHub Apps can be installed at user, repository, and organizational levels based on the end-user preferences.
  3. Generate a Kubernetes secret "pe-github-secret" within the GHA runner cluster using the App_ID, App_Installation_ID, Private_key.


Runners Overview
GitHub Apps
Install apps for Organization
Homepage URL Config
configure private key
app ID, appInstallationID, Client secret

Set up the Flux CD Git-Ops

Install the Latest version of Flux CLI:

Command to Install:

curl -s | sudo FLUX_VERSION=2.0.0 bash

flux --version
flux check --pre
flux check

Install using Docker

A container image with kubectl and flux is available on DockerHub and GitHub:<version><version>

docker run -it --entrypoint=sh -v ~/.kube/config:/kubeconfig
/ # flux check --kubeconfig=kubeconfig         

Bootstrap a Flux repo

Before bootstrapping the Flux repository it is important to structure the overall repository architecture based on components, environments

The Structure is divided into apps/base, cluster/base, cluster/npd/githubrunner, cluster/prd/githubrunner

  ├── apps
  │?? └── base
  │??     ├── actions-runner-controller
  │??     │?? ├── arc-controller-hr.yaml
  │??     │?? ├── arc-controller-ns.yaml
  │??     │?? └── kustomization.yaml
  │??     ├── actions-runners
  │??     │?? ├── arc-runner-hr.yaml
  │??     │?? ├── arc-runner-ns.yaml
  │??     │?? └── kustomization.yaml
  │??     ├── cert-manager
  │??     │?? ├── cert-manager-hr.yaml
  │??     │?? ├── cert-manager-ns.yaml
  │??     │?? └── kustomization.yaml
  │??     ├── kubehunter
  │??     │?? ├── kubehunter-cronjob.yaml
  │??     │?? ├── kubehunter-ns.yaml
  │??     │?? └── kustomization.yaml
  │??     └── sources
  │??         ├── actions-controller-oci.yaml
  │??         ├── jetstack.yaml
  │??         └── kustomization.yaml
  ├── charts
  ├── clusters
  │?? ├── base
  │?? │?? └── githubrunner
  │?? │??     ├── certmanager_ks.yaml
  │?? │??     ├── githubrunner_ks.yaml
  │?? │??     ├── kubehunter_ks.yaml
  │?? │??     ├── kustomization.yaml
  │?? │??     └── source_ks.yaml
  │?? ├── npd
  │?? │?? ├── githubrunner
  │?? │?? │?? ├── flux-system
  │?? │?? │?? │?? ├── gotk-components.yaml
  │?? │?? │?? │?? ├── gotk-sync.yaml
  │?? │?? │?? │?? └── kustomization.yaml
  │?? │?? │?? └── kustomization.yaml
  │?? │?? └── staging
  │?? │??     └── demo.txt
  │?? └── prd
  │??     ├── githubrunner
  │??     │?? ├── demo.txt
  │??     │?? └── flux-system
  │??     │??     ├── gotk-components.yaml
  │??     │??     ├── gotk-sync.yaml
  │??     │??     └── kustomization.yaml
  │??     └── prd
  │??         └── demo.txt               

Run the flux bootstrap command:

 export GH_USERNAME=<gha_username>
 export GITHUB_TOKEN=<gha_fine_grained_pattoken>

 flux bootstrap github \
 --token-auth \
 --branch=main \
 --owner=$GH_USERNAME \
 --repository=platformengine-flux-bootstrap \
 --path=clusters/npd/githubrunner \
 --personal=true \
 --private=false \

Similiarly we can perform the flux bootstrap for PRD environment as well.        

Build Custom Actions Runner Image

We can use Ubuntu-latest as a base image and build a custom actions runner image on top of it. Or else if we need a different Linux distribution we need to build either RedHat or CentOS base image and proceed further.

Navigate to → We can build our own customized Docker file image for actions runner. This docker image under Platform-Cloud Ops consists of base packages of ubuntACTIONS_BASE="" with kubectl, terraform, azure CLI packages installed on it.

We have a workflow under ./github/workflows/buildImage.yaml → This is a matrix-based GHA workflow that runs on'Ubuntu-latest' Github hosted runner which will parallelly build the docker file and push them to NPD and PRD acr repositories. ACR_USERNAME ACR_SECRET, REPOSITORY_URL is stored as GitHub environment secrets.

GH Environment Secrets
ACR Username and secret
Environment Variables

Installing Actions Runner Controller

  1. Navigate to apps/base → create actions-runners, actions-runner-controller config folder
  2. Create helm release, namespace, and kustomization config file and deploy them.
  3. Create cert-manager helm release, namespace, and kustomization config files and deploy them.

Configure a runner scale set

Navigate to apps/base → create actions-runners, actions-runner-controller config folder

  1. Create helm release, namespace and kustomization config file and deploy them.
  2. Navigate to clusters/base/githubrunner → and write cert-manager, githubrunner, kubehunter, source_ks, and kustomization config files.
  3. Under clusters/npd/githubrunner/ → write a patch JSON kustomization to override the env_class.
  4. Deploy a shared-config map under flux-system namespace that consists of all the common configs.

kubectl get cm shared-config -n flux-system -o yaml

  kubectl create secret docker-registry docker-secret \
  --namespace flux-system \ \
  --docker-username=peacrnpd \

  kubectl create secret docker-registry docker-secret \
  --namespace arc-runners \ \
  --docker-username=peacrnpd \

  kubectl create secret generic pe-github-secret \
  -n arc-runners \
  --from-literal=github_app_id=<app_id> \
  --from-literal=github_app_installation_id=<app_installation_id> \

Verify the Runner Installation

 helm list -A
NAME                            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART
pe-arc-controller               arc-systems     1               2024-05-20 14:42:08.577382378 +0000 UTC deployed        gha-runner-scale-set-controller-0.4.0       0.4.0
pe-arc-runner-shared-npd        arc-runners     2               2024-05-21 03:32:40.320219392 +0000 UTC deployed        gha-runner-scale-set-0.4.0
pe-cert-manager                 cert-manager    1               2024-05-20 14:42:06.34203428 +0000 UTC  deployed        cert-manager-v1.8.0

kubectl get pods -n arc-systems
NAME                                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE
pe-arc-controller-gha-runner-scale-set-controller-8f4d9cd7fk6rp   1/1     Running   7 (139m ago)   2d19h
pe-arc-runner-shared-npd-754b578d-listener                        1/1     Running   0              139m

kubectl get pods -n arc-runners
NAME                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pe-arc-runner-shared-npd-44t2r-runner-v74mv   2/2     Running   0          14s

kubectl get gitrepo -A
NAMESPACE     NAME          URL                                                                      AGE     READY   STATUS
flux-system   flux-system   2d19h   True    stored artifact for revision 'main@sha1:036ae5fd50dd44915eb8dd74a4a97ffa4b21b9da'

kubectl get helmrepo -A
NAMESPACE     NAME       URL                                                      AGE     READY   STATUS
flux-system   arc        oci://   2d19h
flux-system   jetstack                               2d19h   True    stored artifact: revision 'sha256:f3f87c94e282617f9e4b980a38def558e05ef8624fb41ec39ffae32fa6a4bd3a'

flux get hr -A
NAMESPACE       NAME                    REVISION        SUSPENDED       READY   MESSAGE

arc-runners     arc-runner-shared-npd   0.4.0           False           True    Helm upgrade succeeded for release arc-runners/pe-arc-runner-shared-npd.v2 with chart [email protected]
arc-systems     arc                     0.4.0           False           True    Helm install succeeded for release arc-systems/pe-arc-controller.v1 with chart [email protected]
flux-system     cert-manager            v1.8.0          False           True    Helm install succeeded for release cert-manager/pe-cert-manager.v1 with chart [email protected]

flux get ks -A
NAMESPACE       NAME            REVISION                SUSPENDED       READY   MESSAGE

flux-system     cert-manager    main@sha1:036ae5fd      False           True    Applied revision: main@sha1:036ae5fd
flux-system     githubrunner    main@sha1:036ae5fd      False           True    Applied revision: main@sha1:036ae5fd
flux-system     kube-hunter     main@sha1:036ae5fd      False           True    Applied revision: main@sha1:036ae5fd
flux-system     runner-set      main@sha1:036ae5fd      False           True    Applied revision: main@sha1:036ae5fd
flux-system     sources         main@sha1:036ae5fd      False           True    Applied revision: main@sha1:036ae5fd
flux-system     flux-system     main@sha1:036ae5fd      False           True    Applied revision: main@sha1:036ae5fd

flux get all -A
NAMESPACE       NAME                            REVISION                SUSPENDED       READY   MESSAGE
flux-system     gitrepository/flux-system       main@sha1:036ae5fd      False           True    stored artifact for revision 'main@sha1:036ae5fd'

NAMESPACE       NAME                    REVISION        SUSPENDED       READY   MESSAGE
flux-system     helmrepository/arc                      False           True    Helm repository is Ready
flux-system     helmrepository/jetstack sha256:f3f87c94 False           True    stored artifact: revision 'sha256:f3f87c94'

NAMESPACE       NAME                                            REVISION        SUSPENDED       READY   MESSAGE

flux-system     helmchart/arc-runners-arc-runner-shared-npd     0.4.0           False           True    pulled 'gha-runner-scale-set' chart with version '0.4.0'
flux-system     helmchart/arc-systems-arc                       0.4.0           False           True    pulled 'gha-runner-scale-set-controller' chart with version '0.4.0'
flux-system     helmchart/flux-system-cert-manager              v1.8.0          False           True    pulled 'cert-manager' chart with version 'v1.8.0'

NAMESPACE       NAME                                    REVISION        SUSPENDED       READY   MESSAGE

arc-runners     helmrelease/arc-runner-shared-npd       0.4.0           False           True    Helm upgrade succeeded for release arc-runners/pe-arc-runner-shared-npd.v2 with chart [email protected]
arc-systems     helmrelease/arc                         0.4.0           False           True    Helm install succeeded for release arc-systems/pe-arc-controller.v1 with chart [email protected]
flux-system     helmrelease/cert-manager                v1.8.0          False           True    Helm install succeeded for release cert-manager/pe-cert-manager.v1 with chart [email protected]

NAMESPACE       NAME                            REVISION                SUSPENDED       READY   MESSAGE

flux-system     kustomization/flux-system       main@sha1:036ae5fd      False           True    Applied revision: main@sha1:036ae5fd
flux-system     kustomization/cert-manager      main@sha1:036ae5fd      False           True    Applied revision: main@sha1:036ae5fd
flux-system     kustomization/githubrunner      main@sha1:036ae5fd      False           True    Applied revision: main@sha1:036ae5fd
flux-system     kustomization/kube-hunter       main@sha1:036ae5fd      False           True    Applied revision: main@sha1:036ae5fd
flux-system     kustomization/runner-set        main@sha1:036ae5fd      False           True    Applied revision: main@sha1:036ae5fd
flux-system     kustomization/sources           main@sha1:036ae5fd      False           True    Applied revision: main@sha1:036ae5fd

Test Workflow:        
test workflow

Reference Links

  8. -> GitHub Actions Self Hosted Runner (Autoscaling with Kubernetes)
  9. Components for ARC runner setup ->
  11. -> GitHub Actions: Dive into actions-runner-controller (ARC) || Advanced installation & configuration.


