?? GitHub Command Line Essentials for Developers ?? and Automation tester Should Know dont relies on inbuild tools
Laxman Chavan
Automation Tester | QA Engineer | Python |pytest| Selenium|Appium| Device Testing | Mobile Testing | API Testing
If you're diving deep into version control with Git and GitHub, here are some essential commands to streamline your workflow and boost your productivity! ??
1. Clone a Repository
To get a copy of a repository onto your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/username/repository.git
2. Check the Status of Your Repository
Want to see which files have been changed, staged, or are untracked?
git status
3. Stage Changes
To stage changes and prepare them for commit:
git add <file_name> # For a specific file git add . # To stage all modified files
4. Commit Changes
Commit your staged changes with a meaningful message:
git commit -m "Your commit message here"
5. Push Changes to Remote
Push your local commits to the remote repository:
git push origin main # or any other branch name
6. Pull Latest Changes from Remote
To get the latest updates from the remote repository:
git pull origin main
7. Create a New Branch
Branching allows you to work on new features without affecting the main codebase:
git checkout -b new-feature
8. Switch Branches
Switch between branches in your repository:
git checkout branch-name
9. Merge a Branch
Merge changes from one branch into another: Mostly Here You will observed issue git conflict issue try to resolve the conflcit and again perfrom same step :
git add
git commit -am"commit message"
git push origin your_branch
git merge branch-name
10. Check Commit History
See the history of commits in your repository:
git log
These commands will help you navigate through Git and GitHub with ease. ??
?? Pro Tip: