Gita 18/47,48

Mind totally free from affection,

Whose mind lack affection

Own unattached self-religion or responsibility is best than religion perform with high-quality function of others, because  performing self-responsibility deed set down according to one’s nature human does not acquire sin. (Bhagawad-Gita: 18/47)

Here self-religion or self-responsibility is in the context of religion class or categories, as described in (18/ 26, 27,28 and 41,42, 43, 44). It should not misinterpret for promotion or justification of unjust practices and society or social-economic-political stratification based on discrimination.     

The above stanza can be understood well in the context of material world also, but if human become awaken he will be in advantage in understanding religious meaning and get liberation from birth-death cycle.

Suppose one claim to be a student, his prime duty become to be a good student by devoting time and energy in studying life relevant subjects, suppose one claim to be a sport person his prime duty become to do daily hard practices maintain fitness and perform well in tournament, suppose one getting into marriage relation his fundamental duty become to protect the relation, trust and mission of the marriage family life, if one claim to be politician his priority responsibility become to be unbiased and serve the society and nation in best interest of people, similarly one claim to be a saint his responsibility become to awaken the society and facilitate liberation. These should not be understood on the basis of caste by birth or any distorted way. Better try to understand religion version first than appraise the present social-economic-political set-up.

The most important aspect of religious path or progress is that Divine-God is motivation every human being of universe, irrespective to their present conscious level to start unattached journey without expectation of material-joy and accumulation and reach his destination that is realization of element of Divine, which is right of every creature. In other words all should attend heaven permanently the highest place, none should be left behind, if anyone deviate and invite rebirth, Divine-God is extremely sorrow for his downfall. Therefore, applying same concept of equal right to progress and reach at the top, any attempt to impose rigid discriminatively unjust society, dividing people into privileged class and underprivileged class shall be opposed and all efforts should be made to democratize the society and system. Divine-God never justifies unjust caste system, or any society and system.

“On an island there lived three old hermits. They were so simple that the only prayer they used was ‘We are three; thou art Three-have mercy on us1’ great miracles manifested during this na?ve prayer.

The local bishop came to hear about the three hermits and their inadmissible prayer, and decided to visit them in order to teach them the canonical invocations. He arrived on the island, told the hermits that their heavenly petition was undignified, and taught them many of the customary prayers. The bishop then left on a boat. He saw, following the ship, a radiant light. As it approached he discerned the three hermits, who were holding hands and running upon the waves in an effort to overtake the vessel.

‘We have forgotten the prayers you taught us, they cried as they reached the bishop, and have hastened to ask you to repeat them,’ The awed bishop shook his head.

‘Dear ones, he replied humbly, continue to live with your old prayer!”. Page 265, Chapter 30, Autobiography of a Yogi, Yogada Satsanga Society of India.

O son of Kunti ! just as fire is inclusive of smoke, every deed is inclusive of fault, however, human shall not give up responsibility of his nature or conscious level. (Bhagavad-Gita: 18/48)

The Divine-God is suggesting that even responsibility deed in inclusive of some fault it shall not be abandon. The natural deeds are categories as follow:

(1) kama, desire activity of the life of the senses (Sudra stage), (2) artha, gain, fulfilling but controlling the desires (Vaisya stage), (3) dhrama, self-discipline, the life of responsibility and right action (Kshatriya stage), (4) moksha, liberation, the life of spirituality and religious teaching (Brahmin stage)

These above stages have their correspondence in the eternal gunas or qualities of nature, tamas, rajas and sattva. …Thus has nature marked every man with his caste, by the predominance in himself of one or the mixture of two, of the gunas.  Page 285, Chapter 41, Autobiography of a Yogi, Yogada Satsanga Society of India.

The fault arises in deed for various reasons.

·       When human has bonding with nature he is attached with deed and become dependent on nature which is a major abnormality.

·       Every deed has in build violence to some or great extend.

·       Whatever deed is initiated it become favorable for some and unfavorable for some.

·       There is always shortcoming in deed due to illusion of human. etc.

Divine-God is advising Arjuna that participating in war without any expectation of joy and accumulation is best religion for Kshatriya (2/31). All the abnormalities ceases when deed enter into Brahma- dedicated to universal well being, and no then responsibility remain for the doer. 




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 “Satvik-Rajash-Tamsh Gun”



Zeal, to a degree of warmth able to warp the sacred rule of Gods word “Sankhya-yog” stalk of knowledge congregation, gracious, amusable, elegance, grace , charm, amuse , perfection, cheating, fraud, betray, deception, bluff, gimmick, ploy,

 “Satwa”, “Raj” and ‘Tam” are three ‘Gun” blessed sovereignty, scarcity, deity, austerity, penance, ascetic , cosmic, introspection, omniscient spirit, eternal ecstasy. celibacy,

“Satvik-Rajash-Tamsh Gun” “Ksatriya” “Asuri” demoniac mentality people, stubborn, obsess, intelligent , intelligence, intuition “I-Ness”, shrada faith, reverance , adoration, devotion, allegiance, bodily cognitions, fragile, laying idly. Hymns, chant satiation gliding towards hell, dhongi-Hypocrisy, upkar-philanthropy , swaha, patience, renunciation, renounces, renouncer sovereignty, adulterous

health or disease, pleasure or pain, like-dislike, hatred and woe, happiness and sorrow, good fortune and ill fortune,

nista allegiance, adherence, "Devotion, dedication" Firmness, virtue-sin



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Kshatriya, eye, ear, nose, tongue and skin, annihilator

“Satwa”, “Raj” and ‘Tam” are three ‘Gun”

Satvik-Rajash-Tamsh Gun.

intelligent , intelligence, intuition “I-Ness”, health or disease, pleasure or pain, like-dislike, hatred and woe, cosmic, introspection, omniscient spirit, eternal ecstasy. 

happiness and sorrow, health and disease, good fortune and ill fortune, pretty-unpretty. bodily cognitions, fragile, laying idly.

ecstasy-samadhi, omnipresent blessed God conscious manifests to you, Spirit, sovereignty encroaching or demolishing























lantern Subservience







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