Git Glossary
Next we have some Git glossary which is bring used.
1.?Commit:?This is the save option of your file and records the changes that you made . Commit creates a new version of your project. Furthermore, you are provided with the information of adding modifying the changes and if you want to revert the version, commit helps you achieve that.
2.?Push:?If you are sure about your code and now want to share it with your team you push your code from your local repository to your remote repository. We can say that commit and push work closely.
3.?Pull:??With this the content in the remote repository are downloaded and immediately updates the local repository. So it is updating your contents on your local repository if somebody has made changes in the remote repository contents
4.??Repo:?Repo is repository. A repository folder inside your project. It helps you track all the files and the changes that may happen over the period of time. When you install git a .git folder is created.?So whenever you decide to delete the .git folder it means you are deleting the history of your project.
There are two types of repositories
A.?Local:?This one that we have in our computer in the local storage.
B.?Remote:?This one is in the cloud services, when we push from our local to remote repository it goes to the cloud repository storage.
5.?Branch:?With branches in git you can make your own changes in your repository test it and then merge it to the main repository. Branches helps you to make mistakes and not let it affect the main project. It will create the separate version of your project and work accordingly.
6.?Merge:?When you have tested out your new code changes and it works, you want to add that to the main branch and let everybody on your team use that feature so you merge your branch to the main branch in the upper hierarchy. That way your code will be the part of the new version of the code.
7.?Master:?It is the default branch of git. The commit made, a master branch is given that points to the last commit made. With every new commit the master branch moves forward.
8.??Merge:??To put the forked history back together again is merging. With this the individual lines that has been changed or added in one branch gets integrated into a single branch.
9.?Checkout:?This lets you switch between different branches in a repository. Checking out a branch updates the files in the working directory to match the version stored in that branch.
10.??Fetch:?It is used to download contents from the remote repository to local repository without overlapping. Therefore, the fetch provides a safe way to review the information before committing to your local branch.
11.??Revert:?If you want to revert the last commit, revert is used. It is kind of undo type. Instead of deleting or orphaning commits in the commit history, a revert will create a new commit that inverses the changes specified.
12.??Reset:?To undo the changes reset is used. It moves the repository to the last commit. It has three core forms
13.?Ignore:?the term ignore used to specify intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore. It doesn't affect the Files that already tracked by Git.