- What it does: Helps developers keep track of changes in their code.
- Where it's used: On your computer, locally.
- Key Actions:
- Commit: Save changes to your code.
- Branch: Work on different features or fixes at the same time.
- Merge: Combine changes from different branches.
- What it does: Stores your code online and adds collaboration tools.
- Where it's used: On the internet, as a website.
- Key Actions:
- Push: Send your local code to GitHub.
- Pull Request: Propose changes to others' code
- Git is like your local notebook where you write down changes to your story.
- GitHub is like a library where you store your notebook, and others can read, suggest edits, or even write their own stories based on yours.
Open your web browser and go to the GitHub website: https://github.com/.
- Download Git:Visit the official Git website: https://git-scm.com/download/winClick on the "64-bit Git for Windows Setup" link to download the installer.
- Run the Installer:Run the downloaded installer.Follow the installation steps, leaving the default options selected unless you have specific preferences.
- Verify Git Installation:To verify that Git is installed and configured correctly, run the following command in the terminal or Git Bashgit --version
- Configure Git:Open the Git Bash application (installed with Git).Configurer Git username and email:git config --global user.name "aakriti26"git config --global user.email "[email protected]"