- ls :?Lists all files and directories in the present working directory.
- ls -la?:?To check hidden files.
- cd :?It is used to change current working directory.
- cd .. :?To move one directory up.
- cd- :?To move your previous directory.
- pwd :?To find out the path of current working directory.
- sudo :?Allows regular users to run programs with the security privileges of the superuser or root.
- touch :?To create empty/blank new file.
- mkdir :?To make a new directory. (Folder)
- cat :?It is used to list the content of a file on standard output.
- cat > filename :?Create a new file.
- cat >> filename :?Add/Append data in file.
- cat f1 f2 > f3 :?Joins two files (f1 & f2) and store the output of them in a new file f3.
- rm :?Used to delete a file.
- rm -rf :?Remove directories and their contents recursively.
- rmdir :?To delete a directory.
- head :?Return the specified number of lines from the top.
- tail :?Return the specified number of lines from the bottom.
- echo :?To print any text.
- cp :?Used to copy files from the current directory to a different directory.
- df :?Report file system disk space usage.
- w :?Show who is logged on and what they are doing.
- mount :?Used to mount a file system.
- chown :?For changing the ownership of a file/directory.
- chmod :?Command to change file permissions.
- grep :?It is use to search for pattern in each file or standard input.
- useradd or adduser :?Add new user or change existing users’ data.
- userdel :?To remove a newly created user.
- groupadd :?Add new group.
- git init :?Create empty Git repo in the specified directory.
- git clone :?Clone repo located at onto local machine. The original repo can be located on the local filesystem or on a remote machine via HTTP or SSH.
- git config user.name :?Define the author name to be used for all commits in the current repo. Devs commonly use — global flag to set config options for the current user.
- git add :?Stage all changes in for the next commit. Replace with a to change a specific file.
- git commit -m "<message>" :?Commit the staged snapshot, but instead of launching a text editor, use it as the commit message.
- git status :?List which files are staged, unstaged, and untracked.
- git log :?Display the entire commit history using the default format. For customization see additional options.
- git diff :?Show unstaged changes between your index and working directory.
- git reset <commit> :?Move the current branch tip backward to, and reset the staging area to match, but leave the working directory alone.
- git branch :?List all of the branches in your repo.
- git checkout -b <branch> :?Drop the -b flag to check out an existing branch. Add a <branch>argument to create a new branch with the name.
- git merge <branch> :?Merge <branch>into the current branch.
- git revert <commit> :?Create a new commit that undoes all of the changes made, then apply it to the current branch.
- git reset <file> :?Remove from the staging area, but leave the working directory unchanged. This unstages a file without overwriting any changes.
- git rebase :?Rebase the current branch onto. can be a commit ID, branch name, tag, or a relative reference to HEAD.
- git reflog :?Show a log of changes to the local repository’s HEAD. Add — relative-date flag to show date info or - all to show all refs.
- git remote add :?Create a new connection to a remote repo. After adding a remote, you can use it as a shortcut for in other commands.
- git fetch :?Fetches a specific, from the repo. Leave off to fetch all remote refs.
- git pull <remote> :?Fetch the specified remote’s copy of the current branch and immediately merge it into the local copy.
- git push <remote> <branch> :?Push the branch to, along with necessary commits and objects. Creates named branch in the remote repo if it doesn’t exist.
- git config --global user.name <name> :?Define the author name to be used for all commits by the current user.
- git config --global user.email <email> :?Define the author email to be used for all commits by the current user.
- git config --global --edit :?Open the global configuration file in a text editor for manual editing.
- git stash :?Save modified and staged changes.
- git stash list :?List stack-order of stashed file changes.
- git stash pop :?Write working from the top of the stash stack.
- git stash drop :?Discard the changes from the top of the stash stack.