A Gist about Machine Learning
Aarthi Kalyanasundaram
Digital Customer Experience Specialist at Verizon | MBA Business Analytics BITS Pilani
Hello Guys!!!, during these quarantine time, I am planning to share my thoughts to provide a gist about overview of Machine Learning. Without wasting time, lets jump into the context.
Nowadays, Machine Learning seems to be fanatic word where most of the people talks about. Hey, wait, did anyone of you just think Why we need or Why we insist Machines to think and act like Human?
Let’s with a real time example. Let’s take the current scenario (Covid-19). Shankar and Akrit are Data scientists and they went to deep discussions.
Shankar: Hey Akrit, how do you do?
Akrit: Hey Dude! I am going well. How about you?
Shankar: I am not okay. Really, I am worried about the current situation.
Akrit: Buddy, I can’t get you. Did you talk about Corona?
Shankar: Yes, Due to that each one struggled a lot.
Akrit: Then, shall we start our analysis on this Covid-19? So, that we can able to get some fair idea.
Shankar: Yep!!
Akrit: In order to solve this, first we need to gather the relevant data buddy.
From the above conversation, in order to deal a problem, we have to gather enormous amount of data. The more the data we have, we get better results. Data preparation would be the first step.
Now, we get the data. The above conversation continues…
Shankar: Akrit, the data seems to be raw. Shall we start the cleaning process?
Akrit: Yep!!
Then our second step would be the Data cleaning part. If the data is poor, then we get failed. Data Cleaning and Processing are time consuming and tedious process. As a result of this process, we can able to tell stories from the data. In other words, we can able to get as much as insights.
Shankar: Hurray! we completed this Data cleaning and processing part Akrit.
Akrit: Let’s start the algo part then.
Shankar: Sure.
In the third step, would be choosing of the algorithms. For solving a problem, there are ‘N’ number of ways. So, algo are ways to get the solution of problem. But, most of us spending hell lot times in algo and we lack in Data processing and Data cleaning part.
In order to deal with the complex problem, Humans are trying to insist Machine to learn and act like Human.
The process of Machine Learning will be,