GIS and Remote Sensing for Epidemiology and Public Health Course
Dear all,
RE: GIS and Remote Sensing for Epidemiology and Public Health Course
FineResults Research Services would like to invite you to high impact training on GIS and Remote Sensing for Epidemiology and Public Health Course to be held in Nairobi from 17/08/2020 to 21/08/2020
Course Name: GIS and Remote Sensing for Epidemiology and Public Health Course
Date: 17/08/2020 to 21/08/2020
Duration: 5 Days
Venue: FineResults Research Training Centre, Nairobi, Kenya
Cost: USD 800
Online Registration: REGISTER HERE
Epidemiology seeks to determine associations between exposure risk and disease that are spatially dependent. Public health focuses on the health of populations rather than of individuals and focuses more on prevention of health problems. These efforts fall naturally within the domain of problems requiring use of spatial analysis as part of the solution, and GIS and other spatial analysis tools are therefore recognized as providing potentially transformational capabilities for Epidemiology and public health efforts. Statistics are a mainstay in the toolkit of public health professionals. Human memory being what it is, however, even Public health professionals with reasonable statistical training, over the years, often forget the basics. If professionals are going to make sensible use of consultants, communicate effectively with funders, and understand others’ reports, then they often need at least a conceptual understanding of relatively complex, recently developed statistical techniques. This course are: to link common public health questions with appropriate statistical procedures; to offer a strong conceptual grounding in several important statistical procedures; and to describe how to interpret the results from the statistics in ways that are principled and will be persuasive to intended audiences using simple software tools. Participants will acquire hands-on skills in use of Geographic Information System (GIS) as a tool to capture, store, analyze, manage, and visualize disease cases data that is geographically linked. The participants will also acquire statistical data analysis skills.
5 Days
- To develop Understanding on the different components of a GIS and the role GIS plays in solving epidemiological and public health problems.
- To present to participants all data-related aspects of a GIS, such as the data models in GIS, data input, data editing, data visualization, metadata and managing a spatial database.
- To Carry out advanced analyses of geographical data with specific reference to epidemiological related issues
- To improve data management and analysis skills of the participants
- To perform spatial and temporal epidemiological and public health analysis using GIS.
- Establish understanding on how to work with spatial data and GIS techniques to solve epidemiology and public health problems.
- To expose participants to data capture, input, manipulation and display by GIS
- To demonstrate to participants use of GIS in mapping health facilities and projects.
- To explain to the participants role of GIS as a decision support system in public health
Module 1:
Epidemiology and public health concepts and frameworks
- Introduction to Epidemiology and public health concepts
- Introduction to GIS in Epidemiology and public health context
- Planning for a GIS system installation
- GIS Data sources for Epidemiology and public health
- Working with a GIS software
Module 2:
GIS data management in epidemiology and public health.
- Public health and epidemiology GIS Database creation
- Data Types and Data Sources in Epidemiology and public health
- Working with GIS Data
- Working with data from different sources (databases, shapefiles and spreadsheets)
- Facilitated Practical exercises in working with GIS Data
- Styling and symbolization
Module 3:
Spatial mapping and Visualization in Epidemiology and Public health
- Mapping Project activities
- GIS mapping of priority public health problems (HIV and AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis)
- GIS mapping of most at risk populations (MARPS)
- GIS Mapping of health facilities and health resources
Module 4:
GIS for monitoring in Epidemiology and public health
- GIS in Disease transmission and progression mapping
- GIS as a Decision Support System for Public Health Management (What, where, when, how and why analysis – case studies)
- Use of GIS in Epidemiology and Health Related Disaster Management (case studies or practical)
- GIS in Environmental management and Public health (case studies or practical)
- Participatory GIS in public health
- Use of mobile GIS in health surveillance and assessments
- Integrating GIS into Electronic Medical Records (case studies or practical)
Module 5:
Basic statistical data analysis for Epidemiology and Public health
- Introduction to excel
- Preparing data for analysis
- Creating a list
- Manipulating data using formulas
- Outlining and Sorting data
- Entering Data: Data Forms
- Finding Records Using Criteria
- Filtering Data
- Data Auditing
- Data validation
Graphs and ChartsLine Graphs
- Bar Charts
- Statistical Data Analysis with Excel
- Descriptive Statistics
- Pivot tables
- Probability Distribution
- Hypothesis tests
- Analyses of Variance
- Measures of Precision
- Single Factor Experiments
- Factorial Experiments
- Regression Analysis
- Data Quality reporting
This training can also be customized for your institution upon request. You can also have it delivered your preferred location.
For further inquiries, please contact us through Mobile: +254 759 285 295 or Email: [email protected]
Participants should be reasonably proficient in English. During the trainings, participants should come with their own laptops.
The course fee covers the course tuition, training materials, two break refreshments, lunch, and study visits.
Accommodation is arranged upon request. For reservations contact us through Mobile: +254 759 285 295 or Email: [email protected]
Payment should be transferred to FineResults Research Limited bank before commencement of training. Send proof of payment through the email: [email protected]
? All requests for cancellations must be received in writing.
? Changes will become effective on the date of written confirmation being received.
Visit our website for more details
How to participate
Contact information
Email: [email protected]
TEL: +254 759 285 295
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