? Arduino GPS Project Report
DATE: 18/NOV/2018
The Arduino GPS project aimed to develop a GPS tracking system using the NEO-6M GPS module and Arduino Uno. This report details the process of connecting the GPS ? ? module, obtaining raw GPS data, parsing the data to extract relevant location information, and the historical background of the project.
1. Introduction
I am MUHAMMAD HAMZA (mhwahla), a GIS contestant. The Arduino GPS project was undertaken during the 4th semester at BS GIS ARID University Rawalpindi, Pakistan, in November 2018. The project team consisted of Muhammad Hamza, Waqas Iftikhar, Khurram Khan, and Afsheen Sheikh. The project was presented at NUST GIS Day 2018, held at NUST Main Campus Islamabad.
2. Historical Background
The inspiration for this project came from a desire apart from just doing a semester project, we should contribute to the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and make a positive impact on the world. The project was initiated by a discussion with a faculty member, Dr. NAEEM MALIK who encouraged students to explore innovative GIS-related projects. This led to the formation of project groups, and our team began brainstorming ideas for a unique and creative project that would also encompass GIS concepts.
3. Project Development
3.1 Procurement of Components
To kickstart the project, essential components were procured. These components included an Arduino Uno, NEO-6M GPS module, various cables, boards, and electronic components. The team also acquired an external antenna to enhance GPS signal reception.
3.2 Familiarization with Arduino
As students with limited hardware experience, the initial phase of the project involved getting acquainted with Arduino. Tutorials, resources from YouTube, Google, and the official Arduino website were extensively utilized. The team conducted experiments with LEDs, bulbs, and motors to build foundational knowledge in hardware programming.
3.3 GPS Module Exploration
The next step focused on understanding the NEO-6M GPS module. Key specifications of the module, including its RS232 TTL interface, power supply requirements, default baud rate, and compatibility with NMEA sentences, were studied in detail. An external antenna was attached to the module to improve signal reception.
3.4 Challenges and Research
The team encountered challenges in obtaining precise GPS data and struggled to find specific code examples for the NEO-6M module. Extensive research was conducted on platforms like Google, Quora, Reddit, and Stack Overflow. The breakthrough came when the team discovered a function for collecting NMEA data from satellites.
3.5 Code Development
The team developed code for Arduino to communicate with the GPS module via Software Serial. The code enabled the extraction of raw GPS data, including NMEA sentences, which were subsequently displayed on the serial monitor.
4. Obtaining GPS Raw Data
This section detailed the process of obtaining raw GPS data, which involved setting up serial communication with the GPS module using Software Serial. The necessary components for testing were listed.
4.1 Schematics
A schematic diagram illustrated the connection between the NEO-6M GPS module and the Arduino Uno.
Wire the NEO-6M GPS module to your Arduino by following the schematic below.
4.2 Code
The Arduino code for establishing communication with the GPS module and displaying raw GPS data on the serial monitor was provided. Key portions of the code, such as software serial pin definitions and baud rates, were explained.
#include <TinyGPS++.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial GPS_SoftSerial(4, 3);? // Create a SoftwareSerial object for GPS communication on pins 4 (RX) and 3 (TX)
TinyGPSPlus gps;? // Create a TinyGPSPlus object for parsing GPS data
volatile float minutes, seconds;
volatile int degree, secs, mins;
void setup() {
??Serial.begin(115200);? // Initialize serial communication with a baud rate of 115200
??GPS_SoftSerial.begin(9600);? // Initialize software serial communication with the GPS module at 9600 baud
void loop() {
??smartDelay(1000);? // A function to manage serial communication and data parsing
?unsigned long start;
??double lat_val, lng_val, alt_m_val;
??uint8_t hr_val, min_val, sec_val;
??bool loc_valid, alt_valid, time_valid;
??// Retrieve GPS data
??lat_val =;? // Get latitude data
??loc_valid = gps.location.isValid();? // Check if valid location data is available
??lng_val = gps.location.lng();? // Get longitude data
??alt_m_val = gps.altitude.meters();? // Get altitude data in meters
??alt_valid = gps.altitude.isValid();? // Check if valid altitude data is available
??hr_val = gps.time.hour();? // Get hour
??min_val = gps.time.minute();? // Get minutes
??sec_val = gps.time.second();? // Get seconds
??time_valid = gps.time.isValid();? // Check if valid time data is available
??// Display GPS data
??if (!loc_valid) {
????Serial.print("Latitude : *****\n");
????Serial.print("Longitude : *****\n");
??} else {
????Serial.print("Latitude in Decimal Degrees : ");
????Serial.println(lat_val, 6);
????Serial.print("Latitude in Degrees Minutes Seconds : ");
????DegMinSec(lng_val);? // Convert the decimal degree value into degrees minutes seconds form
????Serial.print("Longitude in Decimal Degrees : ");
????Serial.println(lng_val, 6);
????Serial.print("Longitude in Degrees Minutes Seconds : ");
??if (!alt_valid) {
????Serial.print("Altitude : *****\n");
??} else {
????Serial.print("Altitude : ");
????Serial.println(alt_m_val, 6);
??if (!time_valid) {
????Serial.print("Time : *****\n");
??} else {
????char time_string[32];
????sprintf(time_string, "Time : %02d/%02d/%02d\n", hr_val, min_val, sec_val);
static void smartDelay(unsigned long ms) {
??unsigned long start = millis();
??do {
????while (GPS_SoftSerial.available()) {
??????gps.encode(;? // Parse GPS data from the software serial
??} while (millis() - start < ms);
void DegMinSec(double tot_val) {
??degree = (int)tot_val;
??minutes = tot_val - degree;
??seconds = 60 * minutes;
??minutes = (int)seconds;
??mins = (int)minutes;
??seconds = seconds - minutes;
??seconds = 60 * seconds;
??secs = (int)seconds;
5. Understanding NMEA Sentences
NMEA sentences, the standard data format used by GPS modules, were introduced. Each NMEA sentence was explained, with examples provided. The report clarified the structure of NMEA sentences, including their starting character ($) and comma-separated data fields.
6. Parsing NMEA Sentences with TinyGPS++ Library
This section demonstrated how to parse NMEA sentences using the TinyGPS++ library. The library's installation process was outlined.
6.1 Getting Location Using the NEO-6M GPS Module and the TinyGPS++ Library
The report featured Arduino code that utilized the TinyGPS++ library to extract location data (latitude and longitude) from the GPS module. The code was explained step by step, including library import, pins definition, and data extraction.
6.2 Getting More GPS Information Using the TinyGPS++ Library
An extended code shows how to retrieve additional GPS information, including date, time, speed, course, altitude, satellites, and HDOP (Horizontal Dilution of Precision). Explanations for each data field were included.
7. Conclusion
The Arduino GPS project successfully demonstrated the integration of the NEO-6M GPS module with an Arduino Uno and the use of the TinyGPS++ library to extract meaningful GPS information. The knowledge gained from this project laid the foundation for future applications of GPS technology.
8. Acknowledgments
The project team expressed gratitude to project mentors, faculty members, and individuals who provided assistance during the development process.
9. References
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CELL +923167333888
Arduino is an Italian open-source hardware and software company, project, and user community that designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller kits for building digital devices
Note: Anyone can use this code a can make GPS Its 100%same code and info.