Girls get better grades than Boys?

Girls get better grades than Boys?

I am a student and needless to say a male, trying his best to work hard and score; academically and professionally.

Recently, our class of COM-202: Business & Professional Speech, participated into an open forum of communication to all students at IoBM library. It was a semi formal event that involved students from all communication courses and passer by at library to voice their opinion in the form of speech communication. The purpose was to allow students to participate and practice the art of speaking. This was organized by Speaker`s Club of IoBM.

I was the host. And with an opening statement/speech, all passer by were invited and any student interested was allowed to speak for 2-4 minutes and give in their insights and opinions. Our topic chosen was meant to be an interactive one and of which students had personal experience and first hand knowledge about. It was: in academics; "Girls get better grades than Boys"

Opening Statement

I am sure the respected faculty and the students would collaborate with me; when a daughter goes to school first and if you recall your very own first few days at school, it may be kindergarten or Montessori, the cute girls are more open to the new experience and tend to make friends easily. Communicate more freely with the teachers. Her work is neater, organized and takes cares of her stationary and all belonging. Over all, even if she dislikes studies, but the girl is seen to be more organized as her uniform is.

On the contrary, when you observe a boy child, the kid is more playful. He might be not receptive to teachers and class. His uniform is clueless, he loses his colours every other day. Water bottle has issues. Handwriting OMG, is untidy as always, boys are in fights, and more playing.

So I m not saying girls are smart right from the start and boys are with lower IQ. NO! but on average, from the beginning, it is observed girls tend to be more focused and organized, even if they hate to study or have different potentials. Boy, however, multi talented, smart, and maybe brilliant too, have hard time adjusting to the school system, comparatively. Boys tend to be more playful, athletic and less interested in schools.

So, when the students reach higher levels, these differences grow and we see female students occupying to 5 academic ranks in their class. and its like 1st ranker is a girl, second ranker is another girl, on third comes the boy so on. We also observe boys more into sports. Schools have higher percentage of male students in foot ball, basket ball and crickets and girls are more into badminton, table tennis and lesser in competition to boys.

Meanwhile, in schools, boys score less, and their counter parts score more. This may lead to rift between the two and at times, teachers focus on teaching girls more, as boys are less interested and at times, it breaks the boys heart when the crush score more on exams. This may further lead to gender differences.

When the coming of age, takes place, its clearly decided girls ace academics and boys do all the adventurous stuff.

My resource

Points made by other students


  1. Boys have more responsibilities
  2. Boys are street smart
  3. Girls have got nothing else to do, but to study, and boys have outdoor fun and activities too.
  4. Ironically, giirls have a gender role to stay at home- islamically, and hence they are less distracted about non academics
  5. Guys are street smart and multi talented.
  6. Girls only claim to be working more at home but instead at home they are only in their rooms with their books, by a student`s experience of two doctor sisters at home.


  1. Girls also have home responsibilities, like making chai for everyone, and all other kitchen and home chores.
  2. Girls are more responsible, as they choose to study and fulfil obligation of schooling set up their parents. They dont get distracted from all other temptations.
  3. Its all about priorities and focus. Boys may have IQ but they are more reckless to school.
  4. Girls study and work hard, its as simple.
  5. One girl shouted: Why do we have to bring gender difference in everything?
  6. Its all about focus, hardwork and passion.

My Event Concluding Statement

It is true what all students have said. But lets talk about majority and averages that are easily observed This debate is a long one. But make sure, there is a a significant gender and biological difference between the two. One is more responsible or better or talented is not the answer. The fact is girls always win. Problem with the girls is boys and problem with boys is girls. This is always an ongoing debate.

And being a feminist, I wont go into feminism butgirls were always closed into walls called homes. They could have always gone out and work, like men do, despite the hard labour jobs. Girls with the evolution has been made weak by the patriarchal mindset that has always existed. Islam also has examples of educated women and leaders.

We should appreciate our differences and accept them. Remember, when Naseem Hamid can beat you, all other girls can.


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