Girl Guides on a mission to protect and restore
Advocacy at Guides is girl-led, with girls choosing the issues they want to advocate on, defining the change they want to see, and influencing the decision-makers they have identified to improve their lives and the lives of others.
Results from the?2023 Australian Jamboree Survey?found that when Girl Guides were asked what would make Australia a better place, the majority of answers focused on improvements to the environment.
As part of an advocacy project, girls take actions to raise awareness and campaign for change,?their ultimate goal being to?influence those whose actions?can lead to sustainable change. This may include family members, school principals, elected officials, the CEO of a company, or even the United Nations!
Girl Guides in Australia advocate on many issues however, today we are sharing their views on: Environment and Sustainability - you can read all about their concerns and mission in their statement and further on in this newsletter to see how they advocate?‘Girl Guide’ style!
A land like no other
Our country has a unique and diverse landscape that is rich in biodiversity and includes many ecosystems, plants and animals found nowhere else on earth.?Girl Guiding has a big focus on outdoors and nature-based activities.
Many girls and young people experience a very real and serious anxiety about the future of the environment and the planet, and about the world they are inheriting.?Guiding enables them to engage in meaningful actions and participate in creating a better future for themselves, the people they love, and everyone around the world.
Girl Guides Say
Stop focusing on unnecessary things and actually complete the goals that were set by the government e.g. carbon free by 2030?Kimberly, 13yrs
Girl Guides want decision makers to:
Empowering Girls to be Changemakers
Girl Guiding leverages intergenerational partnerships to support adult volunteers and enable youth whilst providing the safe spaces necessary for girls to shape their own learning experiences and to advocate for matters that affect them. We believe girls and young women are the experts in their own lives, and ensure they feel informed, empowered, safe and valued at Guides.
GGA Advocacy Working Group ?
A passionate team of volunteers coordinate the voices of Girl Guides (5-29yrs). These young women volunteers make up the GGA Advocacy Working Group. You can meet them here.
For many girls & young women, Guiding provides their first powerful experience?of speaking out for their future & that of their community.
Advocacy - 'Girl Guide' Style
Girl Guides Walk the Talk
In their Local Communities
Girl Guides?build their understanding of the environment through outdoor activities and challenges including?Youth & UN?Global Alliance Badges. Girl Guides?can also gain?environmental skills by taking on?the?'Create a Challenge' or 'Achieve a Challenge'?programs.
Across the Country
Each year, hundreds of Girl Guides across the country take part in environmental community?activities like Clean Up Australia Day, Earth Hour and Tree Day. Each of these activities supports Girl Guiding?principles of learning by doing.
Speaking Out Globally
When world leaders have met?to discuss climate change at the Conference of the Parties (COP), a team of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts?have been?there to speak out on behalf of millions of girls in 150+ countries.
Young women from Girl Guides Australia?attend the biannual International WAGGGS Helen Storrow Seminar,?developing leadership skills and designing and delivering sustainability project ?impacting their local community.
Advocacy in Action: Community Ally Partnership with Clean Up Australia
Girl Guide Australia's?long 34yr long relationship with Clean Up Australia has enabled girls to make an impact on their local environment, providing them an opportunity to learn by doing!
As Clean up Australia celebrates its 35th?year, GGA are looking forward to working closer with them as a Community Ally so?more programs about preventive environmental activities can be developed to encourage Girl Guides?to continue making?positive impacts on their local environment. Watch this video to hear how valuable Pip Kiernan, Chair of?Clean Up Australia, considers the efforts of Girl Guides in Australia.
Girl Guides Australia (GGA) is always eager to help girls and young women to further their ability to speak, do and educate - on issues they are passionate about - in this case environment and sustainability.
If you are a business or NFP who would like to help them achieve their advocacy mission for nature, or to help them build their knowledge then please contact us at [email protected] today.