"Girl" Cheese Sandwich...Anyone!?

"Girl" Cheese Sandwich...Anyone!?

Following is a fun, humorous Lesson from a precious, little 7 year old (My amazing Granddaughter)...about assuming we're being heard clearly!

Kristina, my 'gift' daughter says to her 7 year old, "Kaitlyn, would you like a GRILL'ed cheese sandwich for lunch?" Kaitlyn replied, "Yes Mommy and Hunter, (her little brother) can have a BOY cheese sandwich." This whole time of being offered a grill cheese sandwich Kaitlyn thought Kristina was saying a GIRL cheese sandwich! Needless to say we got such a laugh out of this. :-)

~ Moral to this little story is: Seek to clearly communicate our message, and avoid assuming it is being fully understood! LOL Remember, we all have a whole different perspective and life experience to base our understanding on. And, grab a GIRL Cheese sandwich (with Turkey) and a Shake this week!!

Onward & Upward ~ Robert Arthur

Pictured above (the real Kaitlyn & Hunter -- and yes a proud Mimi! Btw, Hunter man (fortunately - chuckle) has since moved on from his mohawk faze! :-)


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