Gesture... is a movement of the body or limbs that expresses or emphasizes an idea or feeling a teenager who often shrugs her shoulders in a gesture of indifference Synonyms of gesture gesticulation, mime, pantomime, sign, signal Words Related to gesture beck, beckon, flourish, shrug, wave.

More than half of all human communication takes place nonverbally. You are constantly sending nonverbal messages – even as you read these words. When you speak in public, your listeners judge you and your message based on what they see as well as on what they hear. Here’s how to use your body to effectively enhance your message.


When you present a speech, you send two kinds of messages to your audience. While your voice transmits a verbal message, a vast amount of information is being visually conveyed by your appearance, your manner, and your physical behavior. Research shows that more than half of all human communication takes place nonverbally. When you speak before a group, your listeners base their judgment of you and your message on what they see as well as upon what they hear. In public speaking, your body can be an effective tool for adding emphasis and clarity to your words. It’s also your most powerful instrument for convincing an audience of your sincerity, earnestness, and enthusiasm.

However, if your physical actions are distracting or suggest meanings that do not agree with your verbal message, your body can defeat your words. Whether your purpose is to inform, persuade, entertain, motivate, or inspire, your body and the personality you project must be appropriate to what you say.

To become an effective speaker, you must understand how your body speaks. You can’t stop sending your audience nonverbal messages, but you can learn to manage and control them. That’s the purpose of this post: To help you learn to use your entire body as an instrument of speech.

As you read on, you’ll learn how non verbal messages affect an audience, what kinds of information they transmit, how nervousness can be alleviated by purposeful physical actions, and how to make your body speak as eloquently as your words. Included are how-to sections on proper speaking posture, gestures, body movement, facial expression, eye contact, and making a positive first impression on an audience.

Also featured is a special evaluation form that can help you identify your body’s spoken image. With it you’ll be able to determine your nonverbal strengths and challenges and eliminate any physical behavior that detracts from what you say during a speech. You can then use your body as a tool to make you a more effective speaker.


Your goal in public speaking is to communicate. To be an effective speaker, you must project earnestness, enthusiasm, and sincerity by making your manner and actions affirm what you say. If they don’t, the results can be disastrous.

  • Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “What you are speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.” When you speak, people not only judge your speech – they also judge you. If they are not convinced of your earnestness and sincerity, they are also unlikely to accept your spoken message. What you are is more clearly communicated through your nonverbal behavior than through your words. When presenting a speech, your listeners will use their visual sense to determine if you:
  • are sincere ,
  • welcome the opportunity to address them
  • truly believe what you’re saying
  • are interested in them and
  • care about them
  • are confident and in control of the situation.

The Principle of Empathy art of the impact your physical behavior has on an audience can be explained by the concept of empathy, the ability to share in another person’s emotions or feelings. When you speak, the people in your audience tend to mirror your attitudes.

They unconsciously feel what you feel and respond accordingly. So it’s vital that your body faithfully portray your true feelings. If you appear relaxed and confident, your audience will also feel relaxed and confident. If you smile at your listeners, they will perceive you as a friendly person and smile back at you. And, most important, if they’re convinced you are sincere and trustworthy, they will pay attention to what you say and evaluate it on its own merits. Of course, this process can work the other way. If you appear uneasy, your audience also will be uneasy. If you frown – even unconsciously our listeners usually will frown back at you. If you don’t look at them, they will feel excluded. And if you fidget, they will perceive a lack of self-control and lose confidence in you and in what you say. Why Physical Action Helps When you demonstrate purposeful, effective physical action while speaking in front of an audience, you provide a true barometer of your feelings and attitudes. But there are other benefits as well:

Messages Are More Memorable.

People become bored with static presentations. That’s why television newscasts almost always include film showing some kind of action. If a fire, protest demonstration, or some other visually exciting activity occurs, the newscast will usually lead with it – even if it’s not the most significant news story. A newscast focusing on “talking heads” would soon lose viewers, who could get as much information from radio.

On the other hand, it’s difficult not to look at a moving object. At Toast masters meetings you’ve probably noticed how people pay attention to visual distractions. A late-comer’s arrival or a flashing timing light usually siphons attention away from a speech.People also remember messages that reach multiple senses. We remember more of what we see than what we hear. However, we remember best when both our visual and auditory senses are involved. As a speaker you can capitalize on these tendencies by providing visual stimuli that capture your audience’s attention and enhance retention of your verbal messages. Gestures, body movements, facial expressions – all of these can be valuable tools when skillfully employed.

Punctuation Adds Meaning.

Written language has a whole array of symbols for punctuating messages: commas, periods, exclamation points, and so on. But when you speak, you use an entirely different set of symbols to show the audience what parts of your speech are most important and to add power and vitality to your words.

Some are performed with the voice. Just as effective are gestures, body movements, and facial expressions. However, to achieve the greatest possible impact, you should coordinate your voice and body, making them work together. The more communication methods you employ, the more effectively you will communicate.

Nervous Tension Is Channeled.

Being nervous before a speech is, to a certain extent, healthy. It shows you care about doing well. Many of the world’s top entertainers readily admit they are nervous before a performance. But true fear – the kind that ruins a speech – will keep you from becoming an effective speaker. Fear and nervousness in public speaking work on three levels: mental, emotional, and physical. A speaker’s mental and emotional fears are conquered by self-confidence – a byproduct of preparation and experience. You can best control the physical manifestations of fear and nervousness, however, through conscious use of gestures and body movements. Public speaking activates the adrenal glands. Your heartbeat quickens. Your breathing becomes shallow and more rapid. Your muscles tense. Since the body will do almost anything to relieve tension,

you might unconsciously perform mannerisms that will distract your audience – unless you can dissipate the tension. Gestures and body movements can help you harness your nervous energy and make it work for you instead of against you.


How can you marshal your nonverbal tools – posture, gestures, body movements, facial expressions, and eye contact – and use them effectively when you speak? In this section you’ll learn five general methods for strengthening your body’s spoken image.

1.Eliminate Distracting Mannerisms.

Dr. Ralph C. Smedley, the founder of Toastmasters Inter national, wrote, “The speaker who stands and talks at ease is the one who can be heard without weariness. If his posture and gestures are so graceful and unobtrusive that no one notices them, he may be counted truly successful.” When your actions are wedded to your words, you will strengthen the impact of your speech – even if the audience doesn’t consciously notice them. But if your platform behavior contains mannerisms not related to your spoken message, those actions will call attention to themselves and away from your speech. In fact, rather than adding physical characteristics, sometimes the enterprising speaker must work on removing impediments.

What are these impediments? At your next Toastmasters meeting, watch the speakers closely. You’ll probably detect at least a few visual distractions in each person’s delivery.

Some mannerisms involve the whole body, such as

  • rocking
  • swaying
  • pacing.
  • Others that commonly plague
  • Experienced or ineffective speakers include gripping or leaning on the lectern
  • tapping the fingers
  • biting or licking the lips
  • Jingling pocket change
  • frowning
  • adjusting hair or clothing
  • turning the head and eyes from side to side like an oscillating fan.

Most of these actions have two things in common: First, they are physical manifestations of simple nervousness; second, they are performed unconsciously – the speaker isn’t aware that he or she is doing them. Most of us are aware of our verbal mistakes. But unless we have access to video equipment and can have our movements recorded, many of our distracting mannerisms go unchallenged. The first step in eliminating superfluous mannerisms is to obtain an accurate perception of your body’s spoken image.

Your next step is to eliminate any physical behavior that doesn’t add to your speeches. You can accomplish this by being aware of your problem areas and by conscious self-monitoring during future presentations. If you have several problem areas, work on one at a time. As each is eliminated, move on to the next.

2.Be Natural, Spontaneous, and Conversational.

The single most important rule for making your body speak effectively is to be yourself. Today’s favored speaking style can best be described as amplified conversation. It’s much more informal than the grandiose style that characterized public orators in years past. The emphasis is on communication and the sharing of ideas – not on performance or sermonizing. Don’t try to imitate another speaker. Instead, let yourself respond aturally and spontaneously to what you think, feel, and say. Strive to be as genuine and natural as when you talk with friends or family members.

3. Let Your Body Mirror Your Feelings.

The “father of modern public speaking,” Dale Carnegie, wrote, “A person under the influence of his feelings projects the real self, acting naturally and spontaneously. A speaker who is interested will usually be interesting.” If you are interested in your subject, believe in what you are saying, and want to share your message with others, your physical movements will come from within and By involving yourself in your message you’ll be natural and spontaneous without having to consciously think about it.

4.Build Self-Confidence through Preparation.

Nothing influences a speaker’s mental attitude more than the knowledge that he or she is thoroughly prepared. This knowledge inspires self-confidence, a vital ingredient of effective public speaking. When you’re well-prepared, your behavior can be directed outward toward your audience instead of inward toward your own anxieties. You’ll be less likely to send visual messages that contradict what you’re saying, and you will find it easier to be natural and spontaneous. Almost effortlessly, you’ll project the magic qualities of sincerity, earnestness, and enthusiasm.

Practice and rehearse your material until it becomes part of you, but do not try to memorize your speech verbatim. This can defeat your preparation because the conscious effort required to recall each word will make you nervous and tense. Instead, know your material so well that you need only memorize the flow of ideas. You’ll find the words will spring forth spontaneously.

5.Use Your Club as a Learning Laboratory.

The key to improving your performance in any endeavor is to practice. Your Toastmasters club offers you a practical workshop where you’ll gain valuable experience. It’s a place where mistakes cost you nothing and the audience is always patient, supportive, and helpful. Attend meetings faithfully and speak as often as possible. Welcome feedback provided by your evaluators and closely heed comments relating to your physical platform behavior. By incorporating what you learn from this manual into your regular assignments, you’ll become adept in all facets of public speaking.


How you position your body when you speak communicates its own set of visual messages to an audience. More than anything, it reflects your attitude, telling your listeners whether you’re confident, alert, and in command of yourself and the speaking situation. Good speaking posture has other benefits to a speaker. It helps you to breathe properly and project your voice effectively. It also provides a good starting point from which to gesture or move your body in any direction. And by helping you to feel both alert and comfortable, it helps decrease nervous tension and minimize random, distracting movements. What constitutes proper speaking posture? Ask another person to read the next two paragraphs aloud as you follow the instructions:

Stand straight but not rigid, with your feet about six to 12 inches apart and one slightly ahead of the other. Balance your weight evenly on the balls of your feet. Lean forward just a little. Your knees should be straight but not locked. Relax your shoulders, but don’t let them droop. Keep your chest up and your stomach in. Your head should be erect and your chin up, but not uncomfortably so. Let your arms hang naturally at your sides, with your fingers slightly curled.

Now, take a few deep, full breaths. Do you feel comfortable? Your stance should be alert but not stiff, relaxed but not sloppy. If this position doesn’t feel natural for you, try repositioning your feet slightly until your body feels in balance. Do not maintain the same position throughout a presentation. But when you move from one spot to another, perform a gesture or vary your stance, be sure to balance your body once your movement is concluded.

Hand Gestures You Should Be Using

The best, most charismatic speakers and influence rs know the importance of using hand gestures. Leaders use specific hand gesture patterns.

Gestures increase the value of our message by 60%!

In our human behavior research lab, we analyzed thousands of hours of TED talks and found one striking pattern: The most viral TED Talkers spoke with their words AND their hands.

Specifically, we analyzed the top and bottom Ted Talks:

The least popular TED Talkers used an average of 272 hand gestures during the 18 minute talk.

The most popular TED Talkers used an average of 465 hand gestures—that’s almost double! 

The TED research shocked us and brought up tons of questions:

  • Why are hand gestures so important?
  • What are the most popular hand gestures?
  • How can everyone use their hand gestures to go viral?

We broke down all of the most popular TED Talks and major speeches from the last 5 decades and synthesized them into the top 20 hand gestures you can use. But first, some background + a fun video:

Crazy Facts About Hand Gestures:

  • You’re born to speak with your hands. Researchers have found that infants who use more hand gestures at 18-months old have greater language abilities later on. Hand gestures speak to great intelligence. Check out this adorable baby using hand gestures to the Itsy Bitsy Spider:
  • Hand gestures make people listen to you. Spencer Kelly, associate professor of Psychology and co-director of the Center for Language and Brain at Colgate University found that gestures make people pay attention to the acoustics of speech. Kelly said, “Gestures are not merely add-ons to language – they may actually be a fundamental part of it.”
  • We can’t help it. Hand gestures come to us naturally. Spencer even found that blind people use hand gestures when speaking with other blind people.
  • Gesturing helps you access memories. Using hand gestures while you speak not only helps others remember what you say, it also helps you speak more quickly and effectively!
  • Nonverbal explanations help you understand more. One study found that forcing children to gesture while they explained how to solve math problems actually helped them learn new problem-solving strategies.

How to Speak With Your Hands:

Before we get into the top hand gestures you can use, let’s talk about using your hands appropriately:

Use your hand gestures responsively. Safe gesturing only please!
  • Stay in the box. I never want you to think in the box, but I do want you to gesture within the box. Appropriate hand speaking space is from the top of your chest to the bottom of your waist. If you go outside this box, it’s seen as distracting and out of control. Here’s the difference:
  • There is a spectrum. Hand gestures are great up to a certain point. I call this the Jazz Hands Spectrum: he Jazz Hands Spectrum
  • Make your gestures purposeful. Just like you bullet point out a pitch or presentation, do the same with gestures. The best Ted Talkers used their hands purposefully to explain important points. Use the list below to guide you.
  • Know what you want to say. If you have a big speech coming up, prepare your words, otherwise your gestures can try to overcompensate. According to Elena Nicoladis, a researcher at the University of Alberta who studies hand gestures, people who have trouble finding the right words are more likely to speak with their hands.
  • The more smooth the better. We love fluid hand gestures. Jerky and robotic prepared moves are distracting. Practice speaking with your hands until it feels and looks natural.
  •  Film yourself. Film yourself chatting with someone on the phone. You might be surprised what kinds of gestures you use and how many you use during the conversation. Then, film your speeches and elevator pitch. Have a friend give you feedback on your gestures.
  • Be careful cross-culturally. Not all hand gestures are created equal! Here is a fun video on the meaning of hand gestures around the world:

20 Hand Gestures You Should Be Using:

After observing some of the best speakers and speeches in the world, we have collected our favorites for you to try. We put together some GIFs of the most popular ones. Remember, think about your verbal content and match your hand gestures to what you are saying:

1. Listing

The easiest and most basic hand gesture is numerical. ANY TIME you say a number, do the corresponding gesture–this makes your number easier to remember for the listener, adds movement and warmth to your body language and serves as a nonverbal anchor in the conversation.

2. A Tiny Bit

Any time you want to emphasize a small point like something that they shouldn’t take too seriously or a small addition–show it! This is my favorite itty bitty hand gesture:

3. Listen Up!

This is a very strong gesture, so use it with caution. It is a “bottom line” hand gesture or “listen here” movement. The sound and motion draws attention and lets people know: “What I am about to say is important!”

4. I’m Determined!

Any time you have a solid fist–shaking it at someone or punching it in the air, you are showing intensity. Use it alongside a VERY important point. Be careful when using this gesture with an irritated voice, because it can come off as anger!

5. Everything

Want to make a big grand gesture? Then, the ‘everything’ gesture is your go to. It is as if you are sweeping across all of the ideas to be inclusive.

  • Alternate: This can also be used to say you are ‘Wiping the slate clean’ or pushing something out of the way.

6. Small, Medium, Large

This is a really easy one and can be used to literally show someone what level something is. You can use this to indicate how big or small something is or where someone stands. For example, you can use the high version along with “It’s a pretty big deal” or the low version with “He’s low man on the totem pole”.

  • Alternate: You can also use this as you talk about different stages as an alternate to listing. For example, you could say, “We start with your vision” (low level), “then move on to your structure,” (medium level) and “we end most importantly on your finished product.”

7. I’ve Got My S*** Together

This is one of Kevin O’Leary’s (from Shark Tank) favorites. A steeple is when you lightly tap the tips of your fingers together. It is seen as a wise gesture, but don’t overuse it. These days, everyone is trying it out.

  • Special Note: I have found that when I use this gesture, it centers and calms me. I have not found any research to back this up, but when I do this it’s almost as if I feel more centered and have an easier time taking deep breaths. It is similar to the prayer gesture. Anyone else experience this?

8. Let Me Tell You

Pointing should be used with caution. We don’t like to be pointed at because it can be seen as accusatory or invasive. However, you can point to get someone’s attention or to literally make a point. For example, this gesture goes along well with:

  • “You know, I just remembered something important.”
  • “This one’s important.”
  • “Let me tell you something.”

9. Just a Part

This gesture can be used to demonstrate a very specific part of an idea. When you are talking about an aspect of something, this gesture can indicate that it is separate.

  • Alternate: You can also use this gesture while turning your hand to indicate a change in perspective: Along with “it really changed my mind from ___ to ___.”

10. I Am Magnanimous

When you have both of your hands apart and palms facing towards the audience, it is a very God-Like pose. Use it when making a grand gesture.


Here’s a few ways to implement these gestures:

  • First, try one or two out at a time. Too many at once is overwhelming.
  • Second, I would use them first on the phone–where no one can see you, so you can practice and try without being worried about how you look.

11. Growth

Whenever you move your hand or gesture upwards, you indicate some kind of growth or increase. This can be used to indicate the expected growth, excitement or direction where something is headed.

  • Special Note: If you are an entrepreneur, you have to constantly show skyrocketing growth to investors. Often, this comes in the shape of a hockey stick chart–the one with a huge curve as time goes on. You can do this with your hands while you are speaking in a way to show (not tell) growth!

12. You

Any time you gesture into someone else’s space or personal area, you tie them to your words. I like to do this with the open hand or palm like the picture below. Pointing is very aggressive. You can do the ‘you’ gesture to make someone feel included or highlight that something you are talking about applies to the person you are speaking with. It’s a great attention grabber if someone’s mind is wandering.

  • Special Note: Be sure to do this purposefully. I once was standing next to a woman who was overweight, and the man we were speaking with was talking about Fast Food and kept gesturing at her. She started to back away! It was an incredibly subconscious (and offensive) gesture.

13. Me

Any time we bring our hands in towards our heart or chest, we usually want to indicate to ourselves. I have even heard sneaky speaking coaches tell candidates to point towards themselves when talking about anything positive… use it carefully!

14. This and That

Whenever you want to separate two different ideas or things, you can use your hands to symbolically represent them. For example, I might say we are totally different from them, using my left hand when I say “we” and my right hand when I say “them.” This is a great way to put distance between two things.

  • Advanced: If you want to try something really advanced, you can use your hands to represent two different ideas. For example, if I was talking about Democrats and Republicans I could use and raise my left hand when talking about Democratic ideas and actions and elevate and emphasize with my right hand when talking about Republican ideologoy and actions. This is both captivating and easier for the audience.

15. Come Together

When you bring both of your hands together, it is a gesture of combining and is a great way to symbolically show two forces coming together as one. You can even mesh or fold your hands together to show complete togetherness.

16. It’s Just So

You can use your palms vertically with a rigid slicing motion to demonstrate the need for precise measurement or to separate two things.

  • Alternate: This can also be used to demonstrate a tough stance on a point.

17. I’m Not Hiding Anything

When your hands are at a 45 degree angle with the palms facing up, you are showing openness and honesty. It’s like you are saying you are laying it all out on the table.

  • Alternate: When your palms face up with fingers spread, it means you need something.

18. You Listen to Me

The palms down position shows power and dominance–it’s not very positive, but it is commanding. If you have a very strong directive or order you can use it. Be careful not to use this gesture by default! Hands should be facing up, out or vertical when speaking. Always having them in the down position is very dominant.

 19. Stop

When you flash your palm at someone, you want them to pause or stop. You can do this while anyone is speaking and they will almost instantly be quiet (in emergencies only!). I was with a Leader once, and he had the habit of doing it to his employees when he was done listening. It was horribly offensive.

  • Alternate: You can also do this when asking a question–it’s a universal attention grabber.

20. We

The last one can be the most powerful. This gesture can be used whenever you are speaking in a group or to an audience. You open up your arms as if you are wrapping them in a hug, making the ‘we’ gesture. You can also do this when standing next to someone and actually placing your hands behind them as if to indicate you are in my inner circle. It is a lovely ‘come together’ gesture when used correctly.

 Bonus: Complete List

Want a super complete list? Wikipedia has a surprisingly good list of hand gestures that might be helpful. Remember this list is not curated, so use them purposefully.

Practicing with Hand Gestures:

I hope that you got some great ideas for hand gestures in this post. Practice them with:

  • Your elevator pitch
  • Your next presentation
  • Sharing your ideas

If you truly want to connect and understand people they will remember you and feel good about being with you. This is all related to influence.

Research shows that when your verbal and nonverbal signals are out of alignment, people are forced to choose between what they hear and what they see. And subconsciously, they'll believe your body language. Body language is perceived and often misread, the six nonverbal signals you make a positive first impression. the body languagebis important for leaders, and you can establish leadership presence. communicating with gestures and stance is also very important.

The Body Language of Leaders

Do you know an alpha?

Alpha: The alpha is the individual in the community with the highest rank.

We all know someone who has a natural magnetism. Someone who walks into a room and people look. Someone who speaks and people listen. Someone who was born to lead. Or maybe that someone is you?

Alphas are very important in our society. Every group needs a leader to take charge in a crisis, set the tone, call the shots and set the standards. Typically the alpha, or leader of a group is the most ____ in a group. If it’s on an athletic team, they are the most athletic. In business it can be the most senior person. In dating it can be the most attractive person.

Alphas have a very specific set of nonverbal behaviors that signify to others in the group and to the outside world that they are the top dog. Let’s test your knowledge of the body language of leaders:


 Do you know the body language of a leader?

1. What do leaders do?

A: Smile more

B: Smile less

2. What do leaders do?

A: Interrupt

B: Don’t Interrupt

3. What do leaders do?

A. Hold Eye Contact More

B. Hold Eye Contact Less

4. What do leaders do?

A. Pace

B. Stand Still

5. What do leaders do?

A. Nod as you speak to them.

B. Hold their head still as you speak to them.

Answer Key:

 1. Typically leaders smile less

Smiling is a subordinate behavior. Women smile more to please others and are therefore less often the alpha. If you are in a powerful room, smile purposefully.

2. Alphas interrupt

They speak and expect others to listen. Notice if a leader in your life interrupts you and then politely correct them with something like “I can’t get a word in with you!”

3. Trick question!

Alphas hold eye contact when they are speaking but look away when others speak to them. This is a very rude behavior and take note if you do this to others. If someone does it to you stop talking until they look back at you.

4. Leaders stand still

Leaders have less movement as they are observers, others move around them. People should try not to fidget, pace and hop if they want to be perceived as more powerful and in control.

5. Leaders keep their head very still

Nodding is a sign of submission. You can nod to show agreeableness but be aware of head bobbing!

Here is a deeper review of alphas high-power body language and some subtle ways to get started:


Steepling is when someone brings their hands up towards their chest or face and presses the tips of their fingers together. This is a gesture of confidence, self-assuredness and even superiority. This can easily be done to inspire confidence in yourself and others during a meeting or interview. This is an easy one for female alphas in particular since it is seen as assertive, not aggressive. Steeple not for you? Here are 19 other hand gestures you can try!

Smile Less

Contrary to popular belief, smiling is actually seen as a sign of submission. Submissive people tend to smile more at alphas to show they are agreeable and non-threatening to their power. Alphas in turn (think Clint Eastwood) smile much less because their power is enough to put people in line. Females in particular need to be careful not to over smile as it puts them in a submissive position. Dr. Nancy Henley found that women smile in 87 percent of social encounters, while men only smile 67 percent of the time.

Hands Behind Your Back

Another high-power position that you often see politicians do is when they put their hands behind their back and grab one wrist. The reason this can be powerful is that it exposes the most vulnerable part of the body–the groin for men and chest area for women. Only a supremely confident person will place their hands behind their back in that way. You often see principals or teachers do this as they walk up and down rows of student’s desks during tests.

Top Handshake

Alphas know how to shake hands. Not only do they give a firm handshake, but they also try to be the dominant hand in the handshake. A high-power handshake is when the dominant person has their hand ‘on top’ of the clasp. The weaker person will often take the bottom part of the handshake by exposing the underside of their wrist–which is a physically weaker position. You often see politicians jockey for the dominant handshake position when meeting in front of cameras. Two equals usually just shake hands up and down, with no one on the top or bottom.

The Colors You Wear

Power and confidence are not only shown through body language but also through what you wear. The two most powerful colors are black and red. Black is the color of mystery and power, while red is the color of aggression, passion and violence. You often see politicians wear black suits with red ties. Occasionally you will also see blue ties, this is because blue is the color of wisdom, loyalty and honesty. You can also use color psychology to your advantage as an alpha and think carefully about which colors you wear to work.

Body Language Secrets of Powerful People

  • The most powerful people in a group are not always the smartest or most knowledgeable. So, why are they the leaders? Often times, it is because of subtle body language that draws people to them.

I’ll share six body language behaviors that you can use today to exude confidence and feel more powerful:

1.) Be Aware of Vocal Tone

We all know that animals can hear undertones outside of human range, but the fact is that we unconsciously hear them, too—and we make decisions based on them too! You know how a high, nasal, or thin voice can be irritating (think Fran Drescher), but a broad, resonant voice (think Don LaFontaine) is soothing and attractive? That’s because of the undertones.

Incredibly, studies have shown that hearing those soothing low tones actually makes people more efficient, while removing the low tones makes people less efficient. Those with the best undertones are natural leaders, and people around them subconsciously match their tones to those of the leader. Have you ever heard the saying, “We’re on the same wavelength”? Whoever made up that saying was right. That’s exactly what happens.

2.) Smile: It’s Good for You!

Many studies have been done on the benefits of smiling, but common sense also tells us that when we smile, we feel better inside, and others smile back. But why is that? It has to do with the chemicals that are released in the brain when we smile or see other people smile.

Smiling triggers the “feel good” hormones like serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. In fact, smiling activates the reward center of brain as found in other experiments with drug addition! These powerful chemicals relax your body, reduce your heart rate and blood pressure, and help you fight off stress. This makes you feel healthier and appear more confident. What’s more, your smile triggers other people’s brains to respond in kind—in other words, a smile is contagious. Powerful leaders smile enough to convey confidence and good will, while creating bonds of respect.

3.) Develop a Firm Handshake

The perfect handshake is brief, firm but not tight, and uses the whole hand, not just the fingertips. It conveys that the person is confident, extroverted, and positive. This can’t be emphasized enough. A handshake creates an immediate impression, and you only get one chance to create that first impression. Powerful leaders shake hands in a way that says, “I am strong and in control.” And in my experience, most people that have a poor handshake have no idea. I recommend you ask a trusted friend or colleague for honest feedback (or hire me for a keynote or coaching and I’ll personally let you know!)

4.) Take a Powerful Pose

Strong leaders convey their self-confidence and strength subtly but clearly through their posture. An outstretched, open posture projects an image of power and confidence. Legs slightly apart, hands on hips (think wonder woman), or making a wide gestures make you look like you are in charge. But it not only makes others think that, it makes you think that, too! By practicing power poses before presentations or meetings, you boost your confidence and subconsciously tell the audience you’re in control, confident about the future, and able to set goals and act.

5.) Use Appropriate Gestures

Random or nervous gestures are distracting, but “speech-associated gestures“ complement the words spoken and enhance their meaning. I’m not talking about a thumbs-up or sign language. These symbols convey meaning without words. The best gestures, used by great speakers and leaders, natrually support the words and studies show that these gestures make your words easier to remember and understand.

6.) Develop Eye Contact to Convey Trustworthiness

You know the feeling. When a person makes eye contact with you, especially when you are talking, you feel important to that person, and your confidence in that person grows. People who meet your gaze seem sincere and trustworthy, while those who don’t seem either dishonest or lacking in confidence. However, too much eye contact can be uncomfortable. It can feel like an intrusion or an act of aggression. Powerful leaders instinctively know how long to look at you and how long to look away, and do it naturally. Studies suggest the proper amount of eye contact in the U.S. and many other countries should be between 50% and 60 % of the conversation, mostly when listening.

Are These Leadership Secrets Innate or Learned?

When it comes to body language often success professionals reach a certain level within an organization relying on their instincts: they don’t really give much thought to their body language behaviors—which is a mistake.

Studies show that most successful leaders display both an equal mix of agentic and communal behaviors. Successful leaders don’t rely only on instincts, instead they also strategically choose appropriate behaviors to achieve desired results. This is particularly important for woman leaders who have a smaller range of acceptable behaviors, but it is also important for men as well.

That is, in order to be a successful leader at the highest levels, in order to move into the executive suite, you need to not only understanding exactly how your body language behaviors impact perceptions, you also need to be consciously aware of and choose behaviors that allow you to be the most influential. It’s our unconscious behaviors that often cause problems.

Anyone can understand, learn, and harness appropriate body language —that is you can learn how to use body plunge to exude more power, confidence, and compassion. A great way to start is by developing these six subtle secrets of body language.

7) Before an important meeting, breathe through your mouth.

Right before you enter the meeting room, take a deep breath and exhale through your mouth. (If you are unobserved, make a soft “ahh” sound.) Doing so releases the tension in your neck, shoulders and jaw that can make you look rigid or aggressive.

8) When making a formal presentation, move then pause.

Human beings are drawn to movement. If you move when you speak, you’ll get people’s attention. It can be especially effective to move toward the audience before making a key point, and away when you want to signal a break or a change of subject. You can also use space to reinforce your ideas. For example, if you’re presenting three issues, talk about each of them from a different physical position. Or if you have “bad” news and “good” news, you can present each from different sides of the stage or platform. (Just be sure to make your closing remarks while standing on the “good” side.) But don’t move while making a crucial comment. You have the most impact when you combine movement with physical pauses in which you stand absolutely still to highlight your most important points.

9) To look decisive, rotate your palms down.

In essence, gestures with palms exposed show that you are open and willing to negotiate on a particular point, while palms turned down indicate that you are closed to negotiation. But people also automatically pronate their hands when they feel strongly about something. In fact, a definitive gesture of authority when you speak is placing both hands, palms down, on or right above the conference table.

10) If you want to be taken seriously, speak up early.

When you hang back in a meeting, only to offer your opinion toward the end of the conversation, your input is more likely to be discounted. By speaking up early, even if it on some trivial matter, you establish yourself as someone who is “at the table” and ready to participate. Then later, when you present your insights and suggestions, they will be better received.

11) To know when people want to leave, watch for seated readiness.

People often signal that they are ready to end a conversation by assuming the position of someone ready to rise. (They may move to the edge of the chair, or lean forward with hands on the arms of the chair or hands on knees.) If you are aware of someone assuming these postures while you are speaking, you should respect that signal by quickly finishing what you are saying.

12) To sharpen your negotiating skills, notice how fast you can make or break rapport.

While seated at a conference table across from your counterpart, push back from the table and lean away from him or her. You’ll most likely see your counterpart react in kind by backing away from you. Now lean forward and put your hands on the table (with your palms showing), look him or her in the eyes and smile. Watch as the interaction warms up and is much more friendly and open. That’s how fast your body language can help you build or break rapport.

13) When you want your team to collaborate, start marching.

Ensemble marching, singing, dancing, and drumming are all examples of activities that lead group members to act in synchrony with each other. Stanford University conducted research that showed that synchronous activity motivates members of a group to contribute toward the collective good. Across three experiments, people acting in synchrony with others cooperated more in subsequent group economic exercises, even in situations requiring sacrifice on a personal level from the group.

14) To sound dynamic, widen your stance.

Your voice comes from your entire body, not just your mouth. Your body helps you become a more dynamic speaker when it is grounded -- feet planted firmly on the floor, a hips-width apart, with your weight evenly distributed. A broad stance like this calms your nervous system, allows you to breathe with ease, and amplifies your voice. (This tip comes from Rhoda Agin, a speech and voice therapist.)

15) To stay in control, back up.

Research at Radboud University, Netherlands, showed how backward motion was a powerful way to enhance cognitive control. The researchers found that when people encounter a difficult situation, getting them to step back (literally) boosted their ability to cope.

16) To increase team productivity, keep your body language open.

People are constantly monitoring their leader for emotional cues. If your body looks closed, depressed or angry, these postures (and their corresponding emotions) will be subconsciously picked up and mimicked by your team. It’s a process called “emotional contagion” – and it can also work in your favor. If you keep your posture relaxed, inclusive and open, your team will respond by being more cohesive, positive and productive.

By the way: Just because these tips are simple, don't underestimate their power. Small nonverbal changes can make a big difference in how people perceive and relate to you.

Effective leadership seems to be positively related to transformational leadership. Leaders who have personality traits like for example self-confidence, warmth, extraversion, assertiveness and a high toleration for frustration are more likely to be an effective leader. Measuring leadership can be done by performing an MLQ or by videotaping leaders during meetings. In addition, follower perceptions of the leader are very important in leadership effectiveness. Nonetheless, it might be the case that personality traits for effective women are different than those for men. In this study there will be explored whether or not nonverbal behaviour also provides evidence for the statement of Schein (1989).

Importance of nonverbal behaviour

Nonverbal behaviour can be defined as 'any movement or position of the face and/or body. Therefore, nonverbal behaviour is an important element in human interactions. As we know 55 percent of the effect of a speech results from the body language, 38 percent from the voice, and just 7 percent from the content of a speech.


Ravikkumar Rajagopalan

Sr. Administrative Officer Protocol & Consular at Royal Danish Embassy New Delhi July 1979 - January 2017

7 年

Beautiful and amazing words


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