If GiovCon Chatham House Worked for DOGE...

If GiovCon Chatham House Worked for DOGE...

So..this month we asked for government reform suggestions, not silly ones, acitonable ones.

What follows is the summary:

? Here is a bulleted and sub-bulleted list of policy recommendations found in the sources:

? Government Efficiency & Reform

o Establish a "Government Efficiency University" (GEU)

? Democratize Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and process development for efficiency and decision-making.

? Instructors would include RPA experts and adult learning specialists.

? Incentivize process improvement by issuing residuals to individuals based on government savings, potentially with a tiered or capped system.

? The GEU would assess improvements, and residuals would cease upon an individual's death or process update.

o Eliminate the DOGE

o Implement a 1% budget cut across all departments

o Implement a 12-month suspension on restrictions regarding the use of funds, allowing program offices more spending flexibility

o Map the core processes of the executive branch

? Streamline these processes

? Eliminate non-essential steps and bureaucratic red tape

? Provide recommendations to Congress to defund nonessential departments

o DOGE Recommendations

? Require PEOs to annually transition tech from R&D into existing programs (~15% of portfolio value)

? Reward teams for cutting budgets by providing one-time bonuses at 5% of total recurring savings.

o Eliminate the 20-day waiting period for mental health screenings for Veterans who contact the VA

o Run a bounty program that gives 10% of savings to anyone who identifies wasteful spending

o Focus on high-dollar wasteful spending instead of less impactful issues

o Develop an organizational culture change that rewards efficiency and lean, effective performance

? Attract, hire, and retain leaders with a history of leading lean, entrepreneurial organizations

? Incentivize high performance with an integrated performance management system

? Institute training for emerging AI tools that can improve efficiency

? Acquisition & Innovation

o Reduce Redundancy & Streamline Processes

? Eliminate “futures” organizations that lack procurement authority or that develop service-specific concepts

? This includes organizations such as Army Futures Command

? Re-establish an organization similar to JFCM to unify efforts under a joint operational concept and eliminate service-specific projects

? Reduce redundancy of effort in the government

? If branches or commands are solving the same problem, promote a unified approach and the sharing of solutions.

? Consolidate innovation programs and offices

? Connect these programs and offices to budget sources for acquisition.

? Eliminate 90% of DoD innovation organizations

? Each Combatant Command (CCMD) and each service branch would get 1 innovation organization

? The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) would retain the following:



o Joint Software Factory

? Eliminate "innovation" funding without defined success metrics for transition, funding, and an identified transition partner

o Increase Accountability & Transparency

? Make responsible acquisition offices cover legal fees for successful protests up to a certain percentage of the award value

? Make middle management accountable for program failures

? Require innovation activities to have defined success metrics for transition and funding, with identified transition partners

? Establish a public-facing scorecard for "innovation" offices, evaluating their engagement with non-traditionals, funding decisions, and commercialization success

? Make supply chain information public

? Map supply chains to reduce overpriced parts

? Bolster small business capability and supply chain resiliency

o Improve Processes

? PPBE Process

? Make the PPBE process more agile to allow organizations to:

o Make strategic investments in novel technologies

o Make divestments in failing solutions

? Kill the "use it or lose it" budget mentality

? Instead, incentivize finding savings by providing more discretionary budget next year.

? Give each service branch half of their current budget and create a joint organization that controls the other half

? This is intended to make joint programs truly joint and cut down on service duplication.

? Remove or simplify the CUI (Controlled Unclassified Information) designation.

? If information truly needs protection, make it Confidential.

? Limit the allowable RFI (Request for Information) response to two pages

? This will force government agencies to only ask questions they care about and make the process less burdensome for contractors.

? Expand a "platform-one" like sandbox capability to accelerate small businesses' ability to comply with DoD cybersecurity standards

? Make most software acquisition Fixed-Price (FFP) unless justified otherwise

? Provide live, in-session feedback and working sessions for requirements, including live RFIs and Reverse Q&As, to streamline the acquisition process

? This will allow industry to provide real-time feedback.

? Streamline incumbent contractor selection

? The government should be able to give preference to incumbent contractors who perform well, potentially based on metrics such as CPAR (Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System) scores.

? Accelerate adoption of authorized AI platforms

? Agencies should utilize existing FedRAMP High solutions and open-source alternatives instead of expensive middleware.

? Consolidate program elements and budget line items

? This would make budget submissions easier and allow PEOs (Program Executive Offices) more flexibility during the year of execution.

? Require leadership executing reorganizations to provide written plans

? These plans must explain the rationale for the reorganization, intended improvements, and metrics for success.

? Make all DoD PM salaries a separate budget line

? This will increase transparency.

? Replace volunteer SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) evaluator programs with reserve positions for service members with relevant experience

? Reduce or eliminate innovation events and demo days that lack a clear path to funding

? Require technical training for anyone who issues a contract above $500,000

? Eliminate the 1102 job category (Contracting)

? This forces technical leaders to earn their warrant on top of their technical skills.

? Improve the liaison between DoD agencies and new entrants (outside of the Primes) to offer more opportunities for R&D

? Address disconnects between the R&D community, acquisition personnel, and warfighters

? Improve pathways for rapid requirements development, technology invention, and direct transition

? Create a government acquisition "agency" that operates like a GOCO (Government-Owned, Contractor-Operated)

? Employees would not be under the GS scale.

? This would allow for more flexibility in hiring, firing, and compensation.

? Employees would be empowered through acquisition authority to make awards.

? Employees would be incentivized/paid based on their output.

? Kill "innovation" funding unless there are defined success metrics for transition, funding, and an identified transition partner

? Educate startups/investors on adversarial capital tactics

? Personnel

o Reform Hiring & Promotion Processes

? Reform the GS hiring and performance systems

? Eliminate the "all 5s" game in the certification process

? Penalize resumes that are more than 10 pages long

? Speed up the federal hiring process

? Remove obstructive HR staff

? Encourage the use of direct hire authorities

? Reform GS hiring and performance systems

? The current certification process often removes qualified candidates who do not play the "all 5s game."

? Resumes over 10 pages should be penalized.

? Institute performance-based accountability for GOV employees and entities

? Remove individuals who are not performing well.

? Implement performance-based hiring and promotion

? Abandon the old "time-in-rank" model

? Abandon DEI-related methods

? Modernize the hiring process

? Incentivize the right talent to serve

? Institute mandatory return to office for all government workers

? This would force the retirement of non-performing employees and create the opportunity to evaluate telework policies.

? Institute a rigorous evaluation process for government employees heavily biased towards leadership, ethics, and accountability

? Reform the application and hiring process

? It currently takes too long to process and hire someone.

? Performance evaluation criteria should be easily translatable across federal agencies.

? Revisit the Goldwater-Nichols Act

? Reform outdated time-in-grade promotion requirements, which reward tenure over talent.

? Modernize performance reviews

? Make the Chief Performance Officer a powerful position

? Immediately fire civil servants and A&AS staff who have received a low performance rating in the last 3 years.

o Other Recommendations

? Cut out middle management

? Penalize and potentially terminate non-performing civil servants who are not able to adapt

? Implement a two-step process to evaluate government contractors

? Cut contractors whose employees cannot get a positive review from another employee, as Tesla does.

? Redesign the civil service to make the government a more attractive place to work.

? Adopt Tesla's method for evaluating contractors

? Increase standards across the board

? Cut DHA (Defense Health Agency) and healthcare personnel by 75%

? Shift funding to commercial healthcare

? Refocus the remaining DHA personnel on combat care and mass casualty events

? Reduce reliance on contractors and SETA (Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance) support

? Build back SME (Subject Matter Expert) support where needed

? Anyone wishing to enter civil service must pass a difficult test that covers culture and knowledge relevant to the position/department

? Develop a top-down organizational culture change

? Attract, hire, and retain leadership talent with a history of leading lean, entrepreneurial organizations.

? Incentivize high performance with a new, integrated performance management system that includes career path guidance, goals, and incentive bonus pay (pay for performance with efficiency metrics).

? Institute training at the individual contributor level for emerging AI tools that can improve efficiency

? National Security

o Improve Cybersecurity & IT

? Provide free-to-use virtualized sandboxes and industry-leading IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) for users to experiment with

? This will improve automation and codebases.

? Expand secure hybrid work infrastructure

? Leverage existing infrastructure at National Guard and Military Department installations to:

o Allow qualified engineers nationwide to support critical missions remotely.

o Monetize unused facility space

o Enable contractors to access wider talent pools

o Increase the available cleared workforce supporting DoD/IC (Department of Defense/Intelligence Community) operations.

? Accelerate adoption of authorized AI platforms

? Agencies should utilize existing FedRAMP High solutions and open-source alternatives instead of expensive middleware.

? Establish a unified digital workspace standard for all agencies

? This would:

o Reduce interoperability challenges

o Streamline collaboration

o Reduce duplicative infrastructure

o Ensure better data sharing

o Enhance security without increasing costs.

? Reduce the number of niche internet networks to just NIPR, SIPR, and JWICS

? ACCM/SAP (Alternative Compensatory Control Measures/Special Access Program) programs should use credentials to control access.

? Staff a meaningful amount of AOs (Authorizing Officials) whose directive is to get new technology approved for real evaluation/use

? Eliminate FEDRAMP (Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program) and use SOC2 (System and Organization Controls 2) instead

? NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) should make the reasoning for FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) public if SOC2 is not sufficient.

? Mandate PQC-ABAC (Post-Quantum Cryptography - Attribute-Based Access Control) for all national security system access

? This should remove many "air-gapped" network requirements.

? Create a government social network similar to GCCH at scale

? This would be a closed network and a combination of Twitter and Signal.

? All civil servants would be required to participate.

o Military

? Stop mandatory military PCS (Permanent Change of Station) moves

? Allow service members who are performing well to stay in their jobs for longer.

? Cut DHA (Defense Health Agency) and healthcare personnel by 75%

? Shift funding to commercial healthcare

? Refocus the remaining DHA personnel on combat care and mass casualty events

? Eliminate the "end of the year sweep up funds" mentality

? Create a policy/rule that rewards government commands/organizations for returning unobligated cash to their BSO (Budget Submitting Office).

? Advocate for a complete redux and modernization of the Goldwater-Nichols Act and a two-year budget cycle for DoD

? Ensure DoD Science and Technology groups deliver tangible value for the warfighter

? Establish stricter accountability and transition metrics.

? Establish measurable milestones with a focus on real-world applications

? Empower researchers and reduce bureaucracy

? Prioritize clear transition pathways

? Conduct a review of contract language and triggers for shipyard production bonuses

? Increase accountability for late deliveries and incomplete projects.

o Other

? Streamline the National Labs

? Focus spending on the weapons labs

? Privatize some Office of Science activities

? Treat the labs as businesses rather than extensions of DOE (Department of Energy).

? Eliminate the "always small" protection for Alaskan Native Corporations

? This would allow the market to determine their viability.

? Eliminate NGA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency), or revert it back to NIMA (National Imagery and Mapping Agency)

? Move FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) funding to the Save Our Allies nonprofit

? Stop all foreign aid

? Build a government-subsidized manufacturing zone near Silicon Valley

? Potential sites:

o Alameda

o The Presidio

o The Naval Weapons Stations (NWS) Concord and the adjoining Military Ocean Terminal Concord (MOTCO)

? This manufacturing zone would compete with China.

? Other Recommendations

o Institute a "Night Court" for all government agencies

? This would consist of a three-pronged review with a maximum of nine people, including the leader of the Congressional committee, the department head, and key customers, with equal votes and publicized proceedings.

o Reintroduce H.R. 1098, the Free Competition in Currency Act of 2011

? Introduce competition in the production of money

? Highlight inefficiencies caused by the Federal Reserve System and fiat money.

? Understand and discuss Mises' logical arguments against bureaucracy and socialism.

o Develop and manage R&D (research and development) on the bio and material science side, with specific AI paradigms in mind

o Focus on improving acquisition and replacing the lost knowledge from the retiring workforce

? Waterfall development does not work for IT.

o Make the US Tax Code 2-3 pages long (the current tax code is 6,871 pages)

o Simplify income taxes and collection

o Start announcing social security cuts for people under 50 years old

o Auto-award any protested contract to the selected winner after 30 days if the contract value is less than $25M

o Promote Officers and Civilians for achieving the same or better results and spending less money to do it, and do not cut their budget the next year for being successful

o Encourage multi-year budget planning at the installation level through improved logistics software to enable multiple block purchases of quality products instead of single purchases of cheap products

o Incentivize PEOs to come in under budget and eliminate the fear many of them have about returning money to the treasury

o Restructure social safety net entitlement programs

? DOGE is in a unique position to take political hits and provide cover for those in government who want to make meaningful change.

o Sell or repurpose underutilized government-owned buildings

o Institute a new rule that bars contractors from bidding for three months if their protest is not sustained

o Turn the VA (Department of Veterans Affairs) into a single-payer benefits administrator

? Veterans could receive care from any provider and use a government checkbook to pay for it.

o Implement aggressive measures to reduce lobbying and corporate influence

? This may involve overturning Citizens United, instituting campaign spending limits, extending the ban on lawmakers accepting lobbying positions, and banning lobbyist fundraising.

o Force real ROI (Return on Investment) evaluation for government programs, including labor, benefits, and infrastructure costs

? Implement accountability and consequences for failure.

o Develop and implement similar metrics for innovation organizations to those used for economic development organizations

o Focus on systemic causes of government inefficiency

? Address perverse incentive structures

? Implement information-age performance eval systems

? Develop more agile ways to hire/fire at speed of relevance (same for organizations - dissolve + create in weeks)

o Federal civilian employment needs more flexibility

? Both hiring and firing should be managed closer to affected teams.

o Revise the tax code

? Make it clear and simple

? Eliminate the necessity for third parties.

? Connect incentives to industry-specific initiatives rather than baking them into the tax code.

o Cut entitlements that build up contractor wrap rates

Raj Sharma

TEDx | "Never accept the status quo" is my ethos | Accelerating innovation and manufacturing ecosystems through actionable, data-driven market insights is my mission

2 个月

A "short: list of great ideas!



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