The Gigantic Heap of Expectations.
Sreoshi Bakshi
| Boosting Brands with Content | Gallagher | Ex-BYJUS | Self-Published Author | Storyteller & Strategist | Short-film Enthusiast | Content Marketing | Mental Wellness Advocate |
It's been a long day. You are probably tired, resting on the mountainous, gloomy heap of expectations of others. When you try to adjust for a bit, your leg tends to trip a little on the slippery folds of petty words that have been scaling high for years. And while you were initially enjoying climbing up on that heap, now it feels exhausting watching how the mass keeps piling up, putting your life in danger.
You want to take a breath. You want to rest. You want to feel free again. But that ominously huge mountain now holds you as a captive, glaring at you for your actions. With every steep move, you are judged for the worse. From the lofty heights, you watch the expectations hissing at you, imposing fear in your eyes. You either play by their rules or you get played at.
And maybe...maybe one afternoon when the shackles feel too heavy to be carried on, when the northerly, cold winds hurt you in the shins, when the burden of expectations leave a dent on your soul...maybe then you can trip over the vast heap and land on the ground. You might hurt yourself as you fall, a scratch or two and a few broken hopes, but you will finally find your unrestrained freedom. That newfound freedom from their bounds of expectations. That unquestioned freedom to be yourself and not bend for their convenience. When you finally free yourself from the bondages that others had set on you, from the age-old expectations put on you, you begin to live a life of your own, not theirs.
Creative Head
2 年True Indeed !!