The Gifts of Subtle Chaos

The Gifts of Subtle Chaos


The key to joy is in the midst of subtle chaos. We are tiny ships at sea in seemingly endless storms. We are adrift, shoreless and rudderless, guided only by our momentary decisions, reactive knee-jerk responses evoked by the variety of ongoing crises that require our attention.

We see the waves and we experience the storms but we are unaware of the true nature of chaos. Chaos is the constant motion of all the subtle patterns that seek to birth new order. Chaos is necessary for nascence and emergence...both a process and the birth pangs of a completely new scenario.

As we are buffeted by the waves, we can experience the joy of knowing that this life is not merely a stormy voyage but rather an incubation in an amniotic sea within an eternal womb. Life is a series of labour pains; births; deaths and resurrections and therein lies the anticipation of novelty and the hope for positive change.

The subtlety of chaos is such that we need to identify its patterns by hindsight, to see how the apparently random has brought us to this point in time. “The Butterfly Effect “is real and cannot be identified by foresight and I encourage you to be explorers of the chaotic sea through binoculars of hindsight. Rejoice in the gifts of the present that have been granted to you by the reorganization of your life’s timeline- an artistic representation of finite possibilities that have been selected and organized by the true artist - Chaos, from the sea of Infinite Possibility.


Rabbi Dr Belinda Silbert (MTh, Doctorate in Counselling, ABCC)的更多文章

