Amilia Powers
Best Selling Author, Speaker, Personal and Group Coach, Advocate for Women
#valueurself #breakingyoursilence #whereareyou #areyouinanabusivesituation #doyouneedhelp #domesticviolence #giftsareprescious #agiftfromtheheart #surprisesbringjoy #havingtheloveofyourlife #findingtheloveofyourlife #feelingalone #howtogettheloveofyourlife #amiliaauthorspeakerwriter
Lets talk about gifts:
I received many emails with concerns about presents. How they are used. Let me explain what a gift should mean.
A surprise is simply something good that you weren’t really expecting. It’s something that makes you feel special and lets you know that someone is thinking about you. Surprises bring us joy and lift our hearts. It's a way to show love, with the simplest things such as flowers.
Gifts are not meant to be used to apologize for hurting you and paining you. It doesn't make up for the unkindness and disrespect that has been handed to you. By excepting a gift for any of these reasons, you give the abuser the ok and he will keep doing this to you.
Please begin to understand the reason for the gift, and why it was given to you. Knowing the reasons for the present is very important, and when "No Thank you" is appropriate then thats your answer. Make sure you are clear if the gift was given to you out of love and joy, or given to you from an unkind place.
Please except wisely,
We can talk anytime.
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