Gift Yourself a Dream, today!
You need to have a dream!

Gift Yourself a Dream, today!

You need to have a dream. A clear vision of the perfect future life and career. The one you’d love, the one that would fulfil you. Without clarity of what kind of life and career your heart desires, how would you work towards creating it?

There was once a man sentenced to life imprisonment. Life was bleak, with no hope for the future. Each day was a monotonous routine, devoid of purpose or joy. He didn't bother to stay fit, learn new skills, or engage in anything creative. Then, one day, a fellow inmate excitedly told him that a new law had been passed, potentially setting him free in two years. Suddenly, everything changed. The sun seemed to shine brighter. Hope filled his heart. He started taking care of his health and began learning new skills he could use once he was free.

What changed? He was still in jail and would be for two more long years. The news had shifted his perspective on the future. This new vision of freedom, even though it was distant, inspired him to live differently today.

Werner Erhard said, "The way you show up in the present is given by the future you live into."

This is the power of having a vision. No wonder most corporations invest so much effort into defining their vision—their dream future. They communicate it to everyone on the team, inspiring them with a shared goal. When you see an exciting future ahead, you engage passionately and energetically. You feel your creative juices flowing and are motivated to work harder to make that future a reality.

Isn't it just as important for each of us to have an inspiring vision for our personal lives? Don't we need our dreams to influence how we show up each day?

What happens if the future doesn't inspire you?

Remember the story of the man in jail? Life becomes uninspiring, dull, and repetitive. So, do yourself a favour and check: what is the future you're living into? What does your default future look like 3, 5, or 10 years from now? Does it inspire you? Does it excite you?

Steps: Design a Powerful Dream

Begin by Authentically Acknowledging the Present Reality

Often corporate vision statements become just slogans on a wall. They don’t move or inspire people, perhaps not even those who drafted them. One might think making the vision realistic would make it relatable and believable.

But would an unambitious, realistic linear extension of the present trajectory inspire, excite or fulfil anyone? A vision of mere incremental improvement does not inspire; it makes no difference to how we show up today.

The journey of creating a great personal vision must begin with authenticity. Acknowledge where you are and be honest about it. Assess, note, and own your current state. Recognize both the good and the bad aspects of your situation. Dreaming of an ideal future without fully acknowledging the present is denial. And inauthenticity inspires no one.

Heal the heaviness and emotions that arise with confronting the present reality. Heal yourself by fully experiencing the physical sensations that accompany these emotions.

Vision is a Deliberately Designed Dream that Energizes

Having courageously and authentically acknowledged reality, knowing fully well that the future is a blank and open possibility, you choose to create a bold dream that will inspire and energize you, and eventually fulfil your life. Hold on to your vision, knowing that it is a designed future—uncertain, yet powerful because it generates clarity, gives you purpose and propels you into action.

Imagine your ideal, average, routine day

Give flight to your imagination. If there were no limitations, what would your day look like?

  • If you were having your dream day at the most perfect job you can imagine, what are you doing?
  • Describe your workday in great detail, focusing on experiences, not possessions or accomplishments you’ve made along the way.
  • Think of an average, but ideal day. The kind of day that you would be happy to live again and again for the rest of your life.

(Here is a link to an excerpt from a delightful talk by Frank Kern on Core Influence, in which he invites you to design your ideal, average day.)

  • Make it a ‘go-to’ dream, not an ‘away-from’ dream. When creating a new dream, a new possibility for yourself, consider where your focus lies. Are you focused on immediate survival or on purpose and fulfilment—the end goal of your existence? Let your vision describe what you would love to move towards, not what you would like to run away from.
  • A great vision has a ‘why’ that touches and moves the heart. Why do you do what you do? Let it expand beyond your narrow individual needs. Consider these questions: Who do you serve? How does your work transform their lives? What would they be left with if they didn’t receive your contribution? For some vocations, it’s easier to connect with the purpose. For others, you may need to make an effort. Your coach can help you connect powerfully to your purpose. Once you understand whom you serve and how their lives improve because of you, make that your commitment and raison d’être.

Take time to answer these questions in fine detail:

  • Where do you live? How would you love to feel when you wake up? What are your first thoughts?
  • What are the things you do in the morning? Who with? What is your breakfast like? What do you talk about?
  • What do you wear to work? How does it make you feel?
  • What gives meaning to your life? What purpose do you live to serve?
  • What do you do for a living that makes your average day so fulfilling? Where? For whom? Who do you do it with? How do you feel doing it?
  • Who are the people you love to have your evenings with? What kind of people are they? How do they make you feel? What do you talk about that brings you joy?
  • What are your hobbies, interests, and passions?
  • What fulfils you?

You can extend such questions to your entire day to create clarity about the kind of life you’d love to have. Talk about all aspects of your life.

Now, let your dream inspire your mornings

Walk with your vision set far into the future. A champion chess player focuses several moves ahead. A great pool player positions the cue ball for a challenging shot multiple turns away.

Develop it with a coach in fine detail. Gift it to yourself, hold it as something precious for yourself. It will transform how you show up to life today.

Once you have a compelling dream, it pulls you. Your raised awareness guides your steps towards a life that would fulfil you.

#Dream #Possibility #Vision #Inspiration #Purpose

The Sleeper must Awaken. Thank you for sharing Amit Sood. Its been almost 2 years you made me do this excercise answering the 20 questions. I was very reluctant to do it thinking I already have it in mind , i can align my actions just based on thoughts. It creates a sense of direction doing this exercise though. Helps us be more self conscious and self aware and choose the right path , the path that fulfills us the most. Thanks for the article , it reminded me to make some revisions in the list ????. My best wishes for everyone doing this exercise.


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