A Gift For You - Active Directory & Exchange PowerShell User Management Script with 3 Dozen Actions
Cimitra recently created a script (available on GitHub) with a customer who has Active Directory, and On-Premise Exchange. We decided to make some helpful usability features such as an 'Exclude Group' and 'User Search'. We then wrapped 38 different actions you can take on Active Directory and Exchange Users into one extremely easy-to-use script.
Whether you are using Cimitra, Rundeck, System Frontier, ScriptRunner, au2mator, PowerShell JEA, etc., this script should be easy to adapt to your own PowerShell Automation tool.
Here are the 38 actions you can accomplish with this script.
Add a User to Active Directory
Add a User to Exchange
Rename Active Directory User's SamAccountName
Change Exchange User's First Name
Change Exchange User's Last Name
Change Active Directory User's First Name
Change Active Directory User's Last Name
Modify User's Mobile Phone Number
Modify User's Office Phone Number
Modify User's Title
Modify User's Description
Modify Active Directory User's Manager
Modify User's Department
Add an Active Directory User to Active Directory Group by the Group GUID
Add an expiration date to an Active Directory User account
Remove an expiration date from an Active Directory User account
Determine which Active Directory User accounts are in a locked state
Get account access info on an Active Directory User account
Get a report of several attributes on an Active Directory User account
Find all information about an Active Directory Group
In an Active Directory tree, get a list of all users.
In an Active Directory tree, list all Users in a certain context.
In an Active Directory tree, list all disabled users.