Gift of Sight
Good day to all! I came across a story, which serves as a wonderful metaphor! It so happened that a Donkey (D) while grazing, strays into a vast jungle. The grass being lush green and delicious, D merrily keeps on enjoying himself and doesn’t care about nightfall! But in the pitch darkness of the night, he is overcome by fear while listening to the calls of wild beasts of the jungle. An Owl (O) realizes the predicament of D and offers to help.? As O is blessed with night vision, D readily accepts! There upon, O perches himself on the back of D and navigates him back to the safety of the village. By that time the sun was rising and O couldn’t see anymore, while D was able to see clearly. But the night arrangement of O atop D had already become the accepted way of life. O wasn’t ready to let go of his exalted position, while all assurances of D that he could see clearly fell on deaf ears.? After all he was a brainless donkey and quite unable to decide for himself. So, the inevitable happens and both O and D fall into a deep ditch!
Each of us can derive the moral of this story in our own ways!