Sitting at Cape Spear for me, elicits reflection. The other day, I did just that and here is what came of it. In 7 Strong Steps I offered up on 7 Strengths for walking our work and Life. But towards what? I have written on Purpose on a good number of occasions. It is a central focus of my consciously and unconsciously chosen work and Service. I believe in the notion forwarded by Simon Sinek on Just Cause. I believe in meaning... as suggested by Emily Esfahani-Smith. I always have, somehow. It was Seneca who said...

  • “If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable.”

Purpose matters. Indeed, as a longstanding and enduring student of the work of Richard Bolles, I have long practiced the exploration of Purpose, and I offer a bit of a deeper dive today on its practice, if you will.

A few days ago, I found myself in a special conversation with two long time friends; a dear and treasured couple of Elders. We sat in the Palliative Care Unit, and shared on memories of which I will not share here. But throughout the conversation, I was drawn back to their genuine Love and Faith. As I left that conversation, I was flooded with the remembrance that Love and Faith are part of Purpose. It was Frederick Buechner who said of Vocation that:

  • It comes from the Latin?vocare, to call, and means the work a man is called to by God.??There are all different kinds of voices calling you to all different kinds of work, and the problem is to find out which is the voice of God rather than of Society, say, or the Super-ego, or Self-Interest.??By and large a good rule for finding out is this. The kind of work God usually calls you to is the kind of work (a) that you need most to do and (b) that the world most needs to have done. If you really get a kick out of your work, you've presumably met requirement (a), but if your work is writing TV deodorant commercials, the chances are you've missed requirement (b). On the other hand, if your work is being a doctor in a leper colony, you have probably met requirement (b), but if most of the time you're bored and depressed by it, the chances are you have not only bypassed (a) but probably aren't helping your patients much?either.?Neither?the hair shirt nor the soft berth will do. The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.?

Whatever one's concept of God or not, I humbly offer that Vocation is a sense of calling from within that speaks to us of the meeting place of need and gladness. I sensed such from my two Elder friends, and I would like to take some time to explore more on same, here and now.

This past year, I have shared on The Purpose of Purpose and Purpose and Integrity and Purposeful Health and Rock Your Purpose and Cleaning Up on Purpose... to list a few. I encourage the diving into these links. I sincerely do, especially if exploring Purpose and finding your best harbour matter for you. I know that, for me, this Purpose Thing is fundamental to my own evolving body of work and my sense of Life, and living it. It is decidedly so... and it is part of my own optimistically chosen Trek.

That noted, and of late, I have been sharing Weekly thoughts around Virtues and their application, including on Acceptance and Accountability and Appreciation and Assertiveness and Awe and Beauty and Bravery and Caring.

From there, I went on a bit of a hiatus, some 3 Weeks ago. It was both intended and unintended, and part of me now wants to "catch up" on things. Enter Certitude, Charity, Cheerfulness and Clarity.

Here is my thought, almost unconsciously stumbled upon. Imagine Caring, Certitude, Charity, Cheerfulness and Clarity in powerful combination, grounding our best sense of Purpose. Imagine clearly knowing that and whom for which we care most with certainty, and giving to that and whom fiercely... and cheerfully. What would that look like? What would...

  • clearly knowing that and whom for which we care most, with certainty, and
  • giving to that and whom... fiercely and cheerfully...

,,, look like? How might that feel like Vocation and Purpose? That said, in that original post on Purpose, I offered up 4 questions to consider (that might help).... around 4 notions of LOVE, GOOD, NEED and PAY.


What are all the things and ideas and people and projects that you Love? I often recommend creating an inventory of at least 100 people, ideas, foods, books, shows, movies, hobbies, activities, games, sports, projects, causes ... and more ... that you adore.


From that list, identify that which you are good at... that around which you hold to a practice of ongoing Excellence.


From that narrowed down list of that which you both Love and hold Excellence around, determine what is most needed in the world now and forward. Which of this list is where you can be most helpful?


And from that ever narrowed list of that which you hold Love, Excellence and Helpfulness, which can provide livelihood to sustain your steadfast work and Service?

I should also note that, in that afore noted post on Purpose, I offered up some resources I highly recommend in Service to exploring Purpose. I do indeed encourage exploring A Matter of Purpose... to discern and decide upon that and whom for which you clearly care most with certainty... giving to that and whom fiercely and cheerfully.... that around which you LOVE, hold EXCELLENCE, answers a NEED, and can PAY to sustain your steadfast Service.

I will somewhat briefly walk you through my own exploration over the years, as possible example. Suffice it to say I have dug into some 200 or more Loves, and narrowed things down from there. So, first, what and who do I truly Love?

  • First, Love is a Virtue... and a feeling... and a practice. Indeed and in deed, Stephen Covey spoke of it as an action; a practice. What we Love matters to us, demonstrated in our practice. And yes, I have long done my list of 100 minimum (200+ actually... and it was a "gratitudinal" exercise, lol). I have identified over 200 things, ideas and people that I Love, in practice. To avoid boring you, let me say that I Love my Faith, and my closest, most trusted Friends (my "Camelot", if you will). I Love the idea and capacity of Humanity and its future, my hopeful and thought provoking science fiction and adventure. I Love singing, rocking, dance, sketching, cartooning, writing, boxing, archery, and more. I Love the Ocean, that North Atlantic especially. I Love teaching and my modest beautiful little home. I Love Newfoundland and Labrador. I Love Canada. Most of all I Love Earth. I Love the fact that I see myself as a world citizen. I Love my fave band Shinedown. I am loving Broken Peach these days too. And there is so much more. I could go on but I won't. Simply put, I know what I adore. You do too. Inventory it, all.

What am I good at?

  • That said, while I Love all of the above and more.... where do I see my own approach to Excellence most practiced consistently? My work and Service... over 4 decades. My Love for Teaching and Education, over 3 decades. My exploration of Faith and Stoicism, my vocal work, singing and sketching/cartooning. My Love for Star Trek and Stargate and all noble hearted SciFy even, lol.

Consider these words of LP Jacks...

What needs can I serve?

  • I see a world and future in need. The Global Goals identify 17 needs, at least. I see them all as opportunities for work and business, nobly engaged. Amongst them is #4 Quality Education... and #17 Partnerships... they both especially speak to me. There is a great need for Education in the world, not simply around training for jobs but around critical thinking, creative problem solving and applied Wisdom. The words of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. still ring true... in his saying that "The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education." And, there is a great need for Partnership... what I call high functioning Unity. I see myself able to serve both. Indeed, as a Baha'i I am reminded that Baha'u'llah said... "Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom."

How will I be paid?

  • Through contract Teaching, and my work coaching, speaking and teaching with Epic Engage.

That said, the focus of my Life is Humans Together Strong at home, school, work, business, play and community... personally and professionally.

  • That means that I unapologetically believe in the incredible capacity of the human spirit.
  • That means that I believe that Humanity is our highest standard, and inhumanity is our lowest.
  • That means that the people I deeply Love matter and will always know it.
  • That means that I choose to use my Character, Abilities, Skills and Knowledge to help forge an ever better world and future.

Bottom line is I am an Educator, Speaker, Coach, Author and Creator advancing Character, Purpose and Unity as forces for Educators, Entrepreneurs and Emerging Leaders forging a better world. I am The Unity Guy at Epic Engage. And, Epic Engage is my ever evolving vehicle for delivery as The Unity Guy... teaching, speaking, facilitating, training, coaching, mentoring, singing, dancing, boxing writing, cartooning, blogging, vlogging and creating... to advance Humans Together Strong at home, school, work, business, play and community.

As we enter Winter, following my Dad's heavenly 100th birthday, and ahead of a New Year in 2025, I am reminded of one of my Dad's favourite songs; The Rose. It took me years after his passing to really listen to the words. And now they say so very much. They speak to me of taking this time to consider Purpose, underneath the snow. They speak to me of developing towards new Life, in the Spring. So...

  • I see myself entering into 2025 recommitted as The Unity Guy with Epic Engage... teaching, speaking, facilitating, training, coaching, mentoring, singing, dancing, boxing writing, cartooning, blogging, vlogging and creating... to ever better advance Humans Together Strong at home, school, work, business, play and community.
  • And, I am more clearly and certainly Understanding that moving the needle on Humans Together Strong; that is my Purpose. That is my Just Cause... and best sense of meaning. Personally. Professionally.

That clearly and certainly accepted, "The betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds, through commendable and seemly conduct" are words that remind me that Humans Together Strong is advanced by Character. That in mind and heart, and in support of same, my Goals for this Winter... over these next 90 days include:


  • Ever strengthening my Baha'i and Stoic daily practices and habits at morningtide and eventide... to re-center and re-create daily. Twice Daily. This will not only keep my eyes on the prize and feet on the ground, but it will re-energize for the ongoing work ahead, daily.



  • Daily workouts in my modest, funky, industrial FOXhole Gym towards Boxer Strength. It was Marcus Aurelius who said, "The student as boxer, not fencer. The fencer’s weapon is picked up and put down again. The boxer’s is part of him. All he has to do is clench his fist.” Studentry and Boxing, hand in hand, heart to heart. Daily workouts... to build added Strength and Endurance for the Service ahead.


  • The ever strengthening of Friendship with my most trusted Circle... over these next 90 Days and beyond. The seeking out of 2 new Souls to build such deepened Friendship too... with whom to sit around the proverbial fire of good and great and elevated conversation. Such will also serve to help me re-center, re-create and re-energize.

“If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable.” These words of Seneca are words to live by I humbly believe and contend. They speak to the importance of direction in any journey. Direction matters even more than effort. A deepened, even soulful, sense of Purpose allows us to prioritize... and care with Excellence.

To close, for now, I offer three thoughts of encouragement.

First, further explore your own best sense of Purpose. Dig into and inventory of all and who you Love. Narrow those Loves down to what you hold Excellence around. Narrow that further down to what Loves you hold Excellence around and are Needs in the world, where you can be most helpful. Then, narrow that list ever further down to the Loves around which you hold Excellence and are needed for which you can receive pay that will sustain your Service.

Second, determine what Goals for Spiritual, Mental, Physical and Emotional will support such Purpose consistently forward.

Third, as a closing and indirect thought, I also encourage you to check out these posts.

Purpose is a Gift. In the spirit of Seneca's words...

  • “If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable.”

... it enables us to catch the winds that will take us to where we soulfully need go.

Peace, Justice and Unity...

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage

  • "I had the distinct pleasure of being in an audience in Montreal with Barry Lewis Green on the stage. Quite simply, Barry absolutely captivated us with his talent, his message, and his heart. The feeling of Unity that Barry created in the room that day was extraordinary. I absolutely recommend him for your meeting or event." --- Joe Calloway

  • "The Mount Pearl Paradise Chamber of Commerce were fortunate enough to have Barry Lewis Green as a presenter for a Webinar Series we recently offered. He was so engaged with his audience and made everyone feel valued. He brought excitement and energy to our session and certainly shared his passion and knowledge with us. We will certainly be having Barry back for another series. Thanks Barry for being so professional." - Wanda Palmer

  • "Barry has a presence...I have known of Barry’s work for many years but have gotten to know him as a friend and colleague within the past five. Whether it be in person or during a presentation, he has the uncanny ability to pull on all of your emotions while driving home key messages that provide personal clarity. Barry’s presentation skills can be explained as ‘heavy metal hits’ meets ‘folk tunes’ meets ‘sounds of nature’. He has an arsenal of skills that is quite eclectic. As a Master Facilitator for The Virtues Project and several other impactful programs, he combines a wealth of knowledge with his own extensive library of content creations. He is highly respected and well-connected within the speaking and social action communities. Barry is a true champion of character leadership. He ‘talks the talk’ and ‘walks the walk’. He approaches each and every interaction with passion and ZEAL! I highly recommend reaching out to Barry for collaboration opportunities." - Trent Langdon

  • "The most learned or experienced person is not always the one who helps us grow and thrive. We all grow and thrive with those who ask the important questions in a loving and Noble manner - with the patience to allow our thinking to unfold, our feelings to emerge and our spirits to soar. This is what being in the same space with Barry is like. Working with Barry on #hUmaNITY is such a joy. I feel the excitement of standing before a blank canvas at the beginning of every gathering, exploring the depths of our creative energies throughout the conversations shared, and emerging at the end with a piece that I could not have painted singularly even on my best days. That is what conversations with Barry feels like. He is organized and efficient. Fearless and Bold. Lives with arms wide open.... and has the best questions (which begin with "I wonder....") asked in a most inclusive manner within a safe space that I often forget we are recording and that others will be witnessing our responses." - Russell Zehtab

  • "Barry is compassionately honest. He has the talent to say what needs to be said in a way that people "get" it. His honesty and intelligence come through whether he is presenting on stage or just hanging out with friends. And...have you heard him sing? Man... he has a set of lungs that can wail a tune. Talented, smart and funny, when he takes the stage, he commands the stage." - Lea Brovedani

  • "It takes immense strength of character to insistently amplify the goodness of every individual whose destiny crosses path with one’s own, no matter how briefly. This is who Barry is. The precious gift of Barry’s faith in you compels an irrepressible desire to show up as the best version of yourself. And in a world aching for radical hope and pragmatic wisdom, Barry is the gentle torch bearer whose light is constant amidst the maelstrom of fads. Should you then find your path intersecting with Barry’s, pause for a while in his companionship, and make space for the gift of his life-changing attention. I know because I paused. Barry, my heart continues to expand with immense gratitude for your indescribable presence. And this gift of an expanding heart, is priceless ??" - Dr. Roslina Chai

  • I had the privilege of collaborating with Barry on one of our projects, Her Own Boss. His skill in value-based facilitation is nothing short of transformative. With a warm, inclusive teaching style, he connected deeply with our participants, helping them uncover their core values and guiding them in applying these principles to their businesses. I heard great things about him from our previous cohort and I witnessed that firsthand when I attended some of his sessions. If you're looking for someone who can train you/your team in values-driven facilitation, look no further than Barry. - Serah Gazali

  • Working with Barry Lewis Green is a lovely silver lining to navigating through Covid times. We connected for thoughtful monthly Digital Coffees. Barry’s ease with the art of meaningful conversation and asking questions that inspire me to dig deeper always result in a joy-filled journey through many topics. I am one of many colleagues Barry engages with regularly for TUG TV - so many topics, something truly for everyone! Barry’s charismatic personality and zeal for life makes it an absolute joy to work on any project with him. And just wait until Barry launches his BOXSA project! - Elaine Dunphy


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