The gift of learning

The gift of learning

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. Pele


Everyone needs a mentor in life to help guide them in the right direction, especially in their first few years of employment, right.?  The problem is, leaders and managers simply don’t have the time to train everyone in the business – training is costly. Unfortunately, some people get left behind – those who are not client facing or directly bringing in revenue to the business, in other words our support and admin teams

Developing employees and can many bring business benefits and have a massive positive impact on workplace culture, diversity and inclusiveness.  It’s also well documented that employees who receive continuous training tend to perform far better than those who receive little or no training, they tend to feel more fulfilled and ultimately produce the results a business wants to see. As such, personal and professional development should be made available to all employees regardless of rank.

So how does training employees at all levels benefit your business or organization?  

It Boosts Morale and Employees feel valued with a sense of belonging

Offering regular consistent training to employees is not a major priority for many businesses. And when training is only given to  a selective group of people, this unconscious bias snub can lead to a certain divide in the company, a  decrease in employee morale with a sense of feeling unrewarded, undervalued or unappreciated by their employer.

When we carried out our own research with support staff, we found that over 70% do not receive enough continuous development, mentoring and coaching.   Further from our research, those that did feel valued and obtained more development training were more engaged, contributed more and were less likely to leave their positions. The people who work in your business are the ones who drive your business forward. When your employees are engaged, motivated and feel valued, they have more desire to work harder, to be more creative and innovative and to go the extra mile. Socialcast carried out a study where it revealed that 69% of employees would work harder if they felt their efforts were better appreciated.

Creating an environment where people feel like they are part of something special is a tall order for many, but it’s exactly what any visionary company strives towards. And this is what sets them apart from others.

Training for everyone Increases Productivity

Diversity and Inclusiveness are key to any business success. As such, companies need to adopt D&I as a key strategy for growth if they are to stay in the game and ahead of the competition.  Research shows that employees are more dedicated, loyal, and committed to their companies’ success when they feel included.

Training employees across the board regardless of rank can do wonders to improve the companies’  overall productivity thus increasing profit.  By giving employees consistent  training to help them grow, learn and develop the skills they need to better do their jobs, can help them to execute tasks better and more efficiently.

Establishes an endless Learning Culture

The speed at which industries are changing and evolving means that companies are expected to up skill and process things at a much faster rate than before. When your people stop learning, your business stops growing and eventually becomes a forgotten or stagnant company.  Developing a constant learning culture is no longer just a whimsical idea. It’s crucial for the success of any business.  

Those who are progressive in learning are more confident and competent at what they do, which inspires them to take on more innovative or challenging tasks. Since constant learning excites people, it opens opportunities for the organisation to transform incessantly for the better.

Learning is a treasure that will follow its people everywhere. In the end the secret to happiness and success is progress.   Employees who use their strengths, skills, and abilities every day are six times more likely to be engaged at work, 8% more productive and 15% less likely to leave their jobs (Gallup).

Promotes Innovative Thinking

In an ever increasingly global and technology changing workforce, thinking outside the box and being flexible to constant change and innovativeness are key skills employees need to be successful.  This need for innovation and creative thinking can be met by fostering a desire to learn. Training all employees regardless of rank can serve as an impetus for positive change in the business. By encouraging your people to constantly progress their skills and knowledge, you may discover creative innovative people who never previously stood out in the crowd.

Employees who want to learn new skills and can effectively apply them to virtually any situation are able to adapt to change much quicker when the unexpected occurs. Demonstrating this kind of flexibility can help employees take on whatever challenges that may occur and will only serve to greatly benefit your business or organization.

Remember you grow a company by growing all your people. If you’re looking for ways to develop, retain, engage and reward your support and admin staff, contact TIQ Group today to learn how we created a new automated learning incentive and how it can greatly benefit your business.  We can also help implement your own learning system with combined training materials.

The opportunity to learn is one of the most meaningful gifts you can give to someone. Have you ever wondered how you can reward and engage your support staff.  You can now share the gift of learning to friends, family or colleagues through our new Gift Page.  Give the gift of learning and development and make a difference to that special person's life. Whomever receives this gift will be thanking you for years to come.


