?? The Gift of Hard Work ??
Scott T. Janney
Husband, Father, CEO @CXperks (a Magazine Jukebox, Inc. Company) ???? | 10th Grade Dropout ?? | Graduate of HardKnox ?? | 100K+ Users | Curated Content w/ Games ??, Magazines ??, Trivia ? | #CX #PX #UX
I’ve been working hard for years — decades even. Success? Sure, I’ve had my moments. But the kind of “success” where I could just sit back and coast? Maybe I’ve reached it, maybe I haven’t. Truth is — I wouldn’t know, because I LOVE WORKING.
Work isn’t a punishment, it’s a privilege. It’s biblical. It’s rewarding. It shapes you. And if you do it right, working hard doesn’t mean missing out — it means you learn to work efficiently, with purpose and intention.
?? My kids see it. They see Daddy working. They see Mommy working.
They see us navigating stress, solving problems, showing up when it’s hard, and doing it all together. Most importantly — my kids know how to look someone in the eye and shake their hand. They’ve seen what respect and accountability look like in action. That’s a life skill no classroom can teach.
?? My wife respects me, and I respect and adore her. She’s my partner in every sense of the word — at home, in work, in life. We build together. We endure together.
And here’s the truth no one talks about enough:
Not all days are sunflowers and lollipops. ????
Some days you feel like quitting. Some days you wonder if the grind is worth it. It is. Because the work is the reward. The hard days? They build you.
?? And remember this — the people around you will either lift you higher or pull you down.
Picture this:
Take two people, each weighing 150 lbs. One stands on a chair, the other on the floor.
The person on the chair is told, “For $100, pull the other person up to your level.”
They struggle. It’s nearly impossible.
Now, tell the one on the firm foundation to pull the person off the chair.
With almost no effort — they come flying down.
It’s easier to be pulled down than pulled up.
That’s why you surround yourself with people who push you to LEVEL UP.
?? Working hard is a gift.
?? Working itself is a gift.
?? Having a mission — that’s the ultimate gift.
So work hard.
Find honor in the work.
Find gratitude for the work.
Stay mission-focused — because what you do, how you show up, and the people you choose to build alongside you — all of it matters.
You’re not just building a career — you’re building your legacy.
Let’s work. ??
#HardWork #MissionMindset #Gratitude #FamilyBusiness #Leadership #Respect #LevelUp #FaithAndWork #LegacyBuilding #WorkWithPurpose